Page 68 of The Flirt Alert

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Austin chokes on a sob, his composure crumbling. “I don’t deserve you, Shay.”

“Well, too bad, because you’re stuck with me.” I smile and wipe away his tears.

He laughs weakly, pulling me close again. “I’m glad. Because I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“I know a way to make you feel better.” I snake my hand lower and pull his joggers down to reveal his cock, which curves into my grip, thick and heavy. “Relax and let me take care of you. Sometimes you need to send up a flirt alert so I can make you feel better.”

Austin watches me stretch my lips around his flesh. His salty flavor hits my taste buds as he grows hard in seconds. I wrap my fingers around the base of his shaft and knead his thigh, inching my fingers lower to graze his balls with my nails.

“God, Shay. That feels amazing.” Austin’s arms are above his head as he stares at me bobbing up and down on his length.

I grip his sac in my palm and flatten my tongue as I work him. Relaxing my throat, I prepare to take him deeper. As he slides down past my gag reflex, I try not to choke, but he’s so big it’s hard not to. To get better control, I grip the base of his cock and take hold of him firmly. His hips buck into my hand as I work him over and over again, sucking, licking and teasing his entire shaft.

Sensing he’s close, I hum and go faster, enclosing him tightly in my lips. It sends him over the edge and his salty-sweet release coats my mouth. I love how he tastes, so I lick up every last drop before tucking him back into his pants.

Austin’s face is serene now. He even has a hint of a smile.

We stay cuddled on the couch for a long while in a moment of solace amidst the chaos.

In this moment, everything feels okay.

Chapter thirty-three


Two Weeks Later

The crisp spring evening sky paints the vast windows of our penthouse in muted hues of blues and purples.

Despite the sanctuary our home provides, a thick cloud of tension hangs in the air. It’s been a few days since my mother agreed to leave Mitch and since then the backlash has been relentless. Legal threats. Veiled warnings. Security guards. Threats of going to the press. It’s enough to drive anyone to the brink.

Through it all, Shay has been my rock.

Yet lately, I can’t help but notice a shift in her demeanor. The fiery passion she once held in her eyes seems slightly dimmed. Her once-radiant smile, though still present, appears less frequent.

Pacing back and forth in our living area, I grapple with the overwhelming guilt threatening to suffocate me. My mother’s issues, while monumental, shouldn’t eclipse Shay’s needs. I’ve been so engrossed in my family’s problems that I’ve neglected the woman who’s been my cornerstone throughout.

Taking a deep breath, I decide it’s time to remedy that. “Shay?” I scan the expanse of the penthouse for her. A faint sound of people talking from the balcony guides me to her, wrapped in a blanket listening to what sounds like a true crime podcast.

She doesn’t turn around. “Hey.”

I step out, letting the door slide shut behind me. Approaching her, I wrap my arms around her from behind and squeeze. “I miss you.”

She leans back into me, resting her head against my chest. “Me too.” She clicks off her device. “With everything happening, I’ve been trying to stay out of your way and not add to your stress.”

“Talk to me.” I move around to sit beside her.

Shay shifts sideways to face me, searching my eyes. “Austin, it’s absolutely not about us. It’s just…everything around us has been so intense. Your family’s situation, the threats. You’ve been in such a bad mood for so long. I’ve been trying to figure out how to be there for you while grappling with my own feelings about the Zoey Pearson situation. She wants to meet with me later this week.”

I feel a pang of guilt. “I totally forgot about all of that. I’ve been so caught up in my problems, and—“

“Shhh.” She places a finger on my lips, silencing me. “Don’t apologize. You’re dealing with something major. It’s okay to be consumed by it. I want to get back to prioritizing us as a couple. I really, really miss us. We aren’t making love regularly and I want to be intimate with you. It’s important to me.”

I cup her face and try not to feel like a loser. Aside from the blowjob she gifted me a couple weeks ago, we haven’t had sex in…? I haven’t made her come in…?


I’m always so tired and distracted. “I’m so sorry for not meeting your needs. You can call a flirt alert too, you know.”
