Page 86 of The Flirt Alert

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“It’s for us.” I take her hand and we start up the short trail.

Alongside the hut, lanterns hang from tree branches, their faux-flames dance gently in the wind. Every few meters, there are intricate ice sculptures, catching and reflecting the lights in a kaleidoscope of colors. The ambient soft music from hidden speakers completes the enchanting atmosphere.

Shay gasps. “This is straight out of a fairytale, Austin.”

I wrap an arm around her. “I want tonight to be a dream, a reflection of what you’ve brought into my life.”

Realization dawns and she buries her face into my chest. “It’s beautiful. So beautiful.”

As we stand at the door of the hut and look down, the world beneath is awash in fairy lights and starlit trails as the snow falls softly all around us.

It’s perfect.

When we turn around, Shay’s mouth drops open. “Wait, this isn’t…our hut. Is it?”

The once rundown shelter now stands transformed—elegant wooden exteriors, clear glass windows reflecting the amber glow from within, and the faint scent of burning wood wafting toward us.

“It is.” I gently pull her closer and guide her inside. The interior is a romantic haven: soft rugs, a roaring fireplace, plush velvet couches, and a table set for two beneath more twinkling fairy lights. The walls are adorned with pictures—dozens of candid shots from our time together, even a few from high school.

Shay turns to face me, her eyes shimmering, a thousand words pass between us in a heartbeat. “Austin, what is all this?”

“This is our place, Shay. Our beginning,” My voice is thick with raw emotion. “I wanted to create another beginning, right here where it all started.”

Tears well up in her eyes as she looks around. “You’re so sneaky, making me believe this was all about work. You did all this…for me?”

I step closer. “Every detail, every light, every note of music out there is all for you. From the moment I met you back when we were teenagers, I knew my life had changed. And today, I want to create a memory that’ll last us a lifetime.”

Her eyes shimmer, and I can tell she’s trying to hold back a floodgate of emotion. “Austin, I never imagined…”

Before she can finish her sentence, I gently kneel before her, taking a deep breath as I pull out the black box from my pocket and open it. The ring, a stunning seven-carat diamond solitaire, captures the firelight, reflecting it in a spectrum of dazzling colors.

“Shay, I’ve had this ring for six months, waiting for the perfect moment. In that time, I’ve come to realize that every moment with you is perfect. Tonight, surrounded by the magic of this mountain where we realized how we felt about each other, I want to ask you the most important question of my life.” I pause, taking a deep breath to steady myself. “Shay, will you marry me?”

The silence is palpable. I see a myriad of emotions dance in her eyes—surprise, joy…love.

A tear eventually escapes and trickles down her cheek. She nods vigorously. “Yes, Austin. A thousand times yes.”

I slip the ring onto her finger. It fits perfectly, as if it was always meant to be there. Tugging her into a tight embrace, our heartbeats synchronize and, for a moment, it feels like time stands still.

“This is the best surprise of my life,” she murmurs into my chest, squeezing me tightly. “We’re engaged. I’m so fucking happy. I can’t wait to marry you.”

Holding her close, I whisper against her ear, “Well, you’ve been the best surprise of my life. Every single day. I can’t wait for you to be my wife.”

For the rest of the night, in the cozy cabin atop Crystal Mountain, with stars as our witnesses, Shay and I seal our future.

A lifetime of flirt alerts.

With a promise of forever.
