Page 13 of Saints Like Him

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“Forgive me, ma’am,” Nick said as he descended the steps. He tipped an imaginary hat toward her.

“She’s no miss,” Cash told him. “She’s HRH Patsy Ann, Queen of Redemption Ridge.” As if to prove his point, Patsy offered a paw when he reached the UTV.

Nick wrapped his hand around her foot and bowed over it. “Long live the queen.”

Cash snorted. “Don’t encourage her.” He stepped on the gas pedal and revved the engine. “Hop in.”

Nick climbed in beside Cash and shut the door. Cash took off as soon as Nick snapped his seat belt into place.

“Aren’t you going to show me the barns?” Nick yelled over the engine as they zipped past the buildings.

“On the way back,” Cash replied. He headed for a well-worn path that disappeared into the woods.

Nick decided not to ask any more questions and just enjoy the ride. The temperature was a good twenty degrees cooler under the dense canopy of trees. Dappled sunshine filtered in, but it was still pretty dark on the path. It was clear to Nick that Cash traveled this way often because he took each veer or turn smoothly without letting off the gas. Nick closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the rest, enjoying the smells of the forest and the breeze against his face. Laughter rumbled from Cash, and Nick opened his eyes.

“You and Patsy were wearing the same expression,” Cash said.

Nick really wanted to kiss the smile on his lips, but Patsy let out two quick barks. “You wore it better, my queen,” he assured the dog.

Cash smiled at Nick right as they traded the forest for sunshine and blue skies again. Nick couldn’t tell if Cash’s smile was blinding or the sun just appeared brighter in contrast to the shaded trees. He only knew Cash looked more relaxed than he’d seen in a long time. He couldn’t help but recall their previous encounters over the past year or two. Though their conversations and interactions were the same, there’d been an underlying current of tension. Nick just hadn’t realized it until the strain was gone. I’m not too late. He returned Cash’s smile as butterflies fluttered in his stomach and his heart skipped a beat.

The moment didn’t last long because Cash needed to focus on driving. Nick tucked the memory some place safe. He wanted that image to be the last thing he saw when he took his final breath. Oh fuck. I’m acting like Rory.

He didn’t have time for much wallowing as they began a descent to a meadow of sunflowers below. The engine shifted and whined as the vehicle slowed for the steeper angle. The vehicle came equipped with both an oh-shit handle and a fuck-this bar on the dashboard. Nick trusted Cash implicitly and didn’t reach for either. If this was a favorite spot, Cash would’ve traversed it regularly. He’d never put Nick or Patsy in danger by gunning it down the side of a mountain or at least a very steep hill. Faith in Cash and the stunning view below made Nick forget about his temporary concern.

Tall stalks of flowers stretched on for acres, their iconic yellow and brown heads facing the sun and swaying in the breeze. A shimmering stream of water ribboned along the edge of the fields and disappeared out of sight.

“Wow!” Nick exclaimed. The word was a bit underwhelming for the emotion it was supposed to convey. Perhaps the punch was in the delivery.

“I know,” Cash replied. “This has always been my favorite view, but it’s even prettier since Ivan planted a field of Rory’s favorite flowers.”

Nope. Nick did not need to have a talk with Ivan. His intentions were crystal clear.

“You’ve got a pensive look on your face,” Cash hollered over the engine. “You know Ivan is crazy about your brother. You don’t have to worry about Ivan hurting him.”

Nick looked at him and smiled. “I know that. I was just thinking of ways I could enrich your life too.”

Cash let off the gas when they reached the bottom of the hill, and they coasted for a bit. He pressed the brake and studied Nick with the most intense expression he’d ever seen. “You breathe, Nicky. That’s how you enrich my life.”

While the sentiment was sweet, Nick vowed to up his freaking game. “I’d lean forward and kiss you, but I’m not sure if—”

Cash closed the distance and kissed him. Nick didn’t even have a chance to close his eyes before Cash withdrew.

“—it’s allowed,” Nick finished.

Patsy barked three times. “That means yes,” Cash said.

Nick grinned. “Then come back over here.”

Cash chuckled and shook his head. “We need to do some talking first.”

With a deep sigh, Nick accepted defeat. “Feed me first.” All he’d accomplished so far was getting dressed, eating, and taking a nap, but Nick felt like he’d run a marathon.

“Happy to oblige.” Cash drove a little farther, stopping near the stream. He killed the engine, and Nick got swept up marveling at Mother Nature. The burbling water, sunshine on his face, and breeze in his hair made him forget how hungry he was until Cash announced lunch was ready.

Nick snapped his head toward Cash’s voice and was stunned to find he’d already laid out a blanket and unpacked the food. Nick had barely been aware of him leaving the side-by-side. That must’ve been some daydreaming. Cash ambled over with a concerned look on his face. Nick wanted the smiles back instead.

“Sorry I didn’t help. I was daydreaming.”

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