Page 105 of Finch

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pride at a job well accomplished.

“You’re all doing a splendid job,” he announced.

That brought all eyes to him, followed by all the questions and last-minute problems to be dealt

with. It was a relief, if he was honest. The busier he kept himself, the better. With that in mind,

he threw himself into the work and hoped it would keep him occupied for the entirety of the


The first and most immediate issue in need of fixing was the champagne—the wrong bottles

had been taken from the wine cellar, depleting Hugh’s personal stores while the stock ordered

for the ball went untouched. Luckily, the mistake had been caught before any of the bottles

were opened, so all Finch had to do was venture into the cellar to fetch the right ones. There

was an access elevator near the kitchen that would lead him right to it, so off Finch went. On

his way there, someone tugged at his sleeve. “Please, sir. A moment?”

Finch turned and saw an exceedingly lovely omega standing there. He had raven-black hair,

piercing blue eyes, and a slight Irish accent. His features were perfect and delicate, so much

so that he looked out of place in the kitchen, dressed as he was in his uniform and matching

apron. He was pretty enough to be one of the guests at the ball.

“Yes,” Finch said. “How can I help you?”

“I have a bit of a problem, and I think you’re the only one who can solve it.”

“Can you walk and talk? I’m on my way to the wine cellar. If not, I suppose—”

“Oh, no. This is just perfect. I can help you carry bottles. More hands make less work.”

“Thank you, um…”

“Bran,” the omega supplied.

“Right. Thank you for your assistance, Bran.” They arrived at the service elevator. Finch hit the

button, and in no time at all the doors opened, granting them access to the cabin. Both men

stepped into it, fitting around the empty wine cart that had been left inside. “Now, what was it

that you wanted to talk about?”

Bran hit the button that would take them to the cellar. The doors closed, and the elevator

started to move. “I’m sorry, sir. I need a second still. It’s so very embarrassing, and I’m not

quite sure how to say it.”

The elevator arrived and opened into the dim light of the cellar. While Bran composed himself,
