Page 197 of Finch

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“Sweet?” Hugh shook his head. He set the flash cards down—education could wait for another

day. “No, Finch. It’s not sweet. It’s essential. For thousands of years we’ve told ourselves that

our human-born children are lesser, unwanted creatures better left to perish in the cloisters

than be a part of our lives, and a mindset like that won’t change overnight. Theodore will

encounter dragons in his life who are convinced that the old way is the only way, and he needs

to know to the depths of his very soul that he is worthy, so that when he meets dragons like

that, he can continue to hold his head high and know he is loved and valued no matter what

they say.”


“Yes, Finch?”

Finch shook his head and blinked a few times to do away with the glimmer in his eyes. “You

know, I forgot what I was going to say. While I think on it, why don’t you tell me how I can help

in this pursuit of yours? Surely there must be a way.”

“Oh! Yes. Of course.” Hugh snatched up the flash cards and handed them to Finch. “I’m

teaching him other words, too. See that, there? ‘A’ for ‘apple.’ I’m not sure how long it’ll be

before he’s able to eat one, but it’s of no importance. By the time he’s ready, he’ll know

everything there is to know about them—in other words, that they’re hard and crunchy and

sweet… and shaped like an apple. Red, mostly, but sometimes green. Now, what do you know

about bananas?”

Finch laughed and grabbed Hugh by the lapels. Cards went flying. Hugh would have gasped

and gone after them had Finch not pulled him close and kissed him like one might a lover come

back from war. Hugh wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve such affection, but he smiled and

kissed Finch because Finch deserved to be kissed all the time, as often as he liked, and

wherever he wanted.

“Never change, sir,” Finch whispered when the kiss concluded.

Hugh rested the tip of his nose on Finch’s, eyes closed. “I can’t promise that, Finch,” he

whispered, heart pounding out of love for his forever mate, “but I promise that when I do

change, it will always be for the better.”
