Page 10 of Bringing Ember Home

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I feel like I can’t get enough air. Every time I take a deep breath, Hunter does something to make me lose it again. I can feel his mouth on the sensitive skin of my throat and his girth surrounding me. But most vividly, is the way his…penis is resting up close against my body. It moves every time he shuttles his hips back and forth. The quick movements cause it to hit the tightening bundle of nerves at the top of my sex.

“Oh God!” I let go for just a second to reach out for the covers around us but quickly miss the connection with him, so I bring my hands back to his body. His hands that stayed so long on my hips holding me in place move, causing me to lose my equilibrium once again. They slide lower to hold the cheeks of my ass in his hands, using them instead of my hips to move me. “H…Hunter!”

The broad tip of his dick keeps moving over that one spot causing it to become over-sensitized. “Tell me, baby, have you ever played with yourself?”

“Wh…what?” I try to focus on what he’s just asked me but the sound of his voice all gruff and growly has heat settling in my breasts and my nipples turning hard, painfully hard.

“Have you ever put your little fingers on that tight little clit and worked yourself up until you’ve fucking cum?”

Oh! That’s…that has only one meaning. I shake my head in a quick denial.

“Don’t lie to me. Don’t ever lie to me, baby.”

“I…I’m not lying. I…I’ve never…oh my God! Hunter, wh…what…?”

I can’t form the words. I know what is about to happen…kind of, but I never knew it could be like this. This breath-stealing, soul-shattering experience that feels like it might change me forever. He keeps moving as I hold on tighter. It’s the only thing I can do as the heat that formed in my chest and traveled downward coalesces into this inferno of want and need.

“So, you were a good girl. Keeping everything tight and safe for me. Hmm, such a good girl.”

“Oh God! Please!” His words send me racing as my body tenses up, my back arches pushing myself closer to him, closer to the feelings he is causing inside of me, closer to pleasure. “Oh Hunter, yes! Please!”

Part of me is appalled that I’ve gotten so loud and the other part, the part consumed by everything doesn’t give a shit because all I care about, all I can care about, is lying right here with me between my legs. I pull him to me needing that closeness, needing him with me.

He tucks my body into his and rides it, his hands pulling me up off the bed and into his impressive package as it rides the valley of my panty-clad pussy. I arch once again, my head back as I try to reach that undefinable end that still remains a mystery for me. I cry out as the heat coursing through me centers and pleasure overwhelms me, like a wave taking me down, taking my breath, and leaving me floating. My body clenches tight before my muscles start gripping and loosening. It feels like everything inside of me is pulsing, spasming so hard I’m pretty sure for a second my heart actually stops and I go a little blind.

And then my body, worn out from the experience, sags back on the bed and I start drifting in the warmth and silence that follows. It takes me a moment to realize the area between my legs is soaked. Heat hits my cheeks, and the warmth starts to recede quickly. I start to wiggle under Hunter trying to…escape, keep him from finding out how wet I am.

A hand lands on the round curve of my ass causing me to jump. “Stop moving or it’s all going to happen again. And this time without the clothes between us.”

I gasp out and go instantly still. An alarm going off on his phone causes me to jump again, my legs squeezing around him. He lets out a moan and reaches over our heads to take his phone down from the edge of the headboard and kill the alarm.

“I have to go to work, baby.” He looks remorseful. I would wonder if it’s because of what we did but he leans down and takes my mouth with his. Our lips cling before he starts moving off the bed. The front of his boxers are soaked. A sound of distress leaves me as I cover my mouth to keep from doing something stupid…stupider.

“I…I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not.” He leans back over me and kisses me again. This time he takes his time and uses his tongue to show me just how he isn’t sorry about all of it. “I’ve not gone off like that since I was like twelve, baby. You’re sexy as hell and anyone would be lucky as fuck to wake up to this every morning.” He gives me another kiss before disappearing into the bathroom.

He leaves the door open just a crack so he can still talk to me.

“I’m only working half a day today, baby. You stay here, don’t open the door to anyone. I don’t put it past Roger to fucking try to steal you. If you want, take a bath or shower or use anything you need to. Just don’t leave. Not until we straighten this shit out with your mom.”

He comes out dressed in a black T-shirt with the logo of his business on the front. The sleeves hug his biceps tight and the way he wears the faded denim jeans makes my mouth water. I nod to show him I heard him and that I won’t try to leave. He drops a kiss on my mouth and heads for the front door.

“Should I make breakfast?”

He looks down at his watch. “Uh, I think I took the time for breakfast having you, baby. But you can make us a late lunch. I promise.”

He gives me another kiss and then he’s gone. I look around at the empty apartment and wonder what just happened. We…dry humped one another, he admitted to me that he came, and then he left.

I shake myself out of my thoughts and start looking for things to do to keep my mind off all the negative shit I could think about. There isn’t really anything to clean since Hunter keeps his apartment so neat, so I start doing homework. Eventually, I turn the TV on for background and settle down on the couch.

I make a salad for lunch and put it in the fridge to keep it fresh and wait. But Hunter doesn’t come back. I wait, but eventually, lunch starts to creep by and I’m still alone. To keep my mind off what could be keeping him I decide to take a bath.

I was surprised to find a big tub in Hunter’s bathroom. The fact that there’s bubble bath in the cabinet makes me jealous and I have to remind myself…Hunter isn’t mine. I’m not here because he asked me to come over and hang out with him. I’m here because he is trying to protect me. I have no right to be mad over the thought of some other girl soaking in Hunter’s tub. The truth is this morning was probably not as big a deal as I’ve made it. Hell, Hunter could be with some other girl right now. So why not use the tub and take my time? Why not pretend even if only for a little while, that Hunter is mine? Who does it hurt?

Chapter Eleven

