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I hold my breath as her smile becomes bigger.

“Maybe celebrate your birthday some.”

God, I hope that didn’t sound as suggestive as it did in my head. There’s only one way I know that I would want to celebrate with this girl and even though it does involve a ride it isn’t on the back of a bike.

“Sure. That’s so sweet. I would love that.”

With her agreement, she confirms what I first thought about her. She’s too sweet, too innocent, and too inexperienced to understand when a man wants her. She needs someone to protect her, to keep her safe, and to tell her all the things in the world she needs to stay the hell away from. Someone who won’t take the innocent light from her eyes doing it.

She needs a lover who is willing to go slow and take his time, so she learns to love the experience of making love with the right person. Someone who understands how to send her to the highest heights and guard her when she’s blinded by raging passion. She needs someone who will listen to her, stay with her through it all and be more than just a one-time lover, damn it.

She needs me!

Chapter Four



He shows me where to put my feet and how to hang on to him when we’re moving. I’ve never been on the back of a motorcycle before, but this is the best birthday present I've ever gotten. I wonder if Mandy had anything to do with this. But how could she, when I haven’t talked to her about my huge crush?

I was kind of bummed that my mom wouldn’t be here to celebrate with me and since I don’t know Roger very well it felt…weird to celebrate with him, even though he told me he was going to throw me a small party with just him and his brother and wife. I hoped he forgot about it honestly. It’s…odd that he would want to ‘celebrate’ with me when we aren’t very close at all. It’s even odder that his brother and sister-in-law would want to come over and hang out.

I don’t want to be mean but they kind of creep me out a little. I try not to say anything because I know Mom is really trying to make this work. For a long time, it’s been just me and her. I was kind of worried about her and what would happen when I moved out. Would she be all right by herself? Who would take care of her and make sure she was eating right and getting enough sleep? I was so happy when she told me she was getting married.

I watch as the trees with their changing leaves go by and try not to freak out that I’m holding onto someone I’m not supposed to feel things for. My heart isn’t supposed to hammer in my chest at his closeness. I’m not supposed to think all these thoughts. I try to focus all my attention on the ride and the world around me. We pull up in front of the house, not in the driveway like everyone else does. I guess Hunter doesn’t plan to stay very long. Maybe just long enough to drop me off and say bye.

In front of us is a car with a soft roof and a man sitting in the driver’s seat. I have just a second to wonder if it is someone here to see my stepdad. Before I can finish the thought and wonder who it is, Hunter is off the bike and walking to the driver who is getting out. I get off the bike and pretend to be looking for my keys when Hunter steps up beside me and takes me by the arm walking me toward the house.

The other man gets on the bike and takes off. My brows scrunch together trying to figure out what is going on when Hunter waits for me to open my door. He doesn’t hesitate to step into the house and pull me in with him.

“I need you to do something for me. Can you do that?” He shuts the door behind us and starts looking around.

I arch my brow waiting for him to go on, but he seems to be waiting for me to agree. I finally nod wanting to agree to most anything for him. I wait for the request thinking it’s going to be something like relaying a message to Mandy for him or helping him somehow.

“I need you to pack a bag full of stuff you’re going to need for a few nights stay.”

He takes my arm in his grip again and starts heading to the back of the house. My heart starts pounding for a whole new reason now. Stay? Where? What is wrong and why is he acting so…nervous?

Once inside the room he looks around for a duffle bag or something to start putting my clothes in. I hand over an empty backpack and rush forward as he jerks open my underwear drawer and upends it.

“Hunter? What is going on?”

“Come on, baby. Hurry. We have to hurry.” Some of his nervousness leaks off on me.

“Is it my mom? Is something wrong with her? Please just tell me what’s wrong?”

He takes my face between his hands and looks me in the eyes, “I will, baby. I’ll tell you everything as soon as we’re in the car.”

I give him a nod and start packing. He leaves for a minute and surprises me when he comes back in with a suitcase and starts grabbing all the clothes out of my closet. Once we have everything packed he takes me by the hand and throws the bags and suitcase along with my backpack from school in the back before buckling me in and running around the car to the driver’s side.

I don’t pay attention to where we are going or where he might be taking me because I’m too worried about my mom. Why is he not telling me why all of that just happened? Why did he bring a suitcase with him? What is going on?

He pulls into one of the little nature spots along the side of the road. It’s for people to stop and look around. Normally there would be people here looking at the leaves and the changing scenery but today the space is empty. I’ve also heard several kids from school talk about coming here to make out. I sincerely doubt that Hunter brought me here for that reason.

“So, um,” he still looks nervous when he turns to me, “your mom…she’s in London this week, right?”

Oh God! He’s going to tell me that something happened to my mom.
