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“You can lay down if you want to.” She looks worn out like the crying took a lot out of her. I give her a small tug and she slides down the seat so she’s stretched out along the leather with her head resting in my lap.

“Are you sure I’m not going to be in the way?” The words come out all muffled and soft but I can make them out just fine.

“Absolutely not. You could never be in my way, darlin’.”

I pull out and spend the first part of the drive playing with her hair, letting it slide through my fingers and trail over my palm. It doesn’t take long before she is asleep in my lap and I take an extra drive around the block just to give myself more time with her like this.

When we finally pull in, I don’t even try to wake her up. Instead, I just pick her up and carry her up the stairs and into my apartment. Once I know she’s going to be alright where I lay her, I run out and grab her bags.

I don’t waste any time going back to the bedroom where I put Ember when I'm done. Seeing her lying on my bed with her hair spread out on my pillow and her scent mingling with mine has my cock growing thick and hard…again.

When she was in the car, and I had to explain what it means to be a swinger to her I was as hard as stone. Not because of what I was talking about. It had nothing to do at all with the subject and everything to do with Ember herself. Her innocence was…the biggest turn-on I’ve ever had to deal with. It didn’t help that she was so close and the car was filled with the scent of her.

It was so hard having her in my lap and trying to keep her off my dick. It was definitely not the right time for her to accidentally brush up against that part of me and find out my dick is thinking about her and all the things we want to do together with her. Ember needs to find all of this shit out over time. She’s already been kind of traumatized over this stupid Roger shit. She doesn’t need me to pull something equally stupid and tell her I want her sexy body warming my bed every night. That I don’t think I’m going to be able to let her go now that she’s in my home and I have her right where I want her.

She’s curled up in a little ball and before I can think things through my feet are moving, until I’m standing over her on the bed. The temptation to join her is just too strong and I say fuck it to the things I should be doing -like calling her mom and telling her what happened- and join her on the bed, curling my body around hers and dragging in the scent of her hair as I drift off.

Chapter Six



A loud bang has me jerking awake and trying to move before I’m really even up. Arms, large strong arms, hold me down and keep me from running to find out what the noise was. I try to think back so I can recall the last thing I remember before I turned everything off and shut down.

I should have stayed awake, asked more questions, done things differently somehow. I really didn’t give poor Hunter much of a choice when I just zonked out like I did. But damn it. It was the only way I could process everything that he told me.

This time when the sound comes, I can tell it’s a knock on the front door. Behind me, Hunter starts to move around. First, he pulls me closer to him and then he nuzzles into my neck like he might be trying to fight waking up. But the noise coming from the front of the place isn’t going away.

“God damn it.” He finally rolls over and sits up. I wait for him to say something about waking up with me in his arms but instead, he turns and looks at me over his shoulder with fierce eyes that do funny things to my insides. He stands and bends over to drop a kiss on my mouth causing me to gasp before he heads for the door to the room.

“Stay put, sweetheart.”

He’s gone before I can ask any more questions. At first, I do as he told me and stay put on the bed but then I hear yelling and I have to find out what is going on. I step to the bedroom door and slowly edge my way out until I am standing in a hallway separating the bathroom from the rest of the rooms. I walk as quietly as I can to the end and peek around the side so I can try to find out who is yelling and what they are yelling about.

As soon as I see the figure of my stepfather at the door, I gasp and jerk back until I’m standing in the hall out of sight once again. I run back to the bedroom and stand for a while before I go to the bed and plop down.

I’ve caused all of this. I’m the reason the two of them are fighting. I don’t want to be the reason Hunter doesn’t speak to his family or cause him any problems. I can still hear them fighting and yelling at one another.

I stand up with a new goal in mind. I need to grab my bags and leave but before I can even take the first step the door pops open, and Hunter is standing just inside the room with me. His eyes are shooting sparks of green fire as he pins them on me. He looks livid and I think his lip might be split.

“Come here, baby.”

I go immediately. I place my hand in the one he is holding out to me and he pulls me close. “Roger wants to hear it from you.” Hear what? That I know what he does? That I know why he’s always felt creepy to me? I don’t have to wait very long to find out as Hunter goes on. “He wants to know that you want to stay with me.”

Even as he says it, he pulls me out of the room and leads me to the front of the apartment. “Or come back home to me and your momma.”

My stepdad finishes the list of my options for Hunter. He mentioned my mom. “Mom’s back home?”

“No!” Before Roger can try to lie about my mom being back, Hunter speaks up and gives me the truth. “She’s not back yet. She’s still in London.”

“You need to keep your mouth shut, boy.”

Anger has caused a bright red flush to brighten Roger’s face and his eyes rove over me leaving me with an icky feeling. “I’m not going with you.”

It’s a gut reaction to answer like I did. I don’t want to go with Roger. I don’t want to leave Hunter. If Hunter wanted to be a perv he had plenty of opportunities to do it and even when I was completely out of it he didn’t try to take advantage of me or get me to do something I didn’t want to do. I can’t say that about Roger. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be so innocent given all I'm finding out about him now.

It doesn’t even matter because I’ve always felt a sense of safety when I was with Hunter that wasn’t there with Roger. I look at him, really look at him, and see he’s sporting a black eye and a split lip too. His clothes look all rumpled and maybe even torn.
