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My Grandma shakes her head. “Fine. Don’t forget it. But at least move on. You can’t keep living like this. You don’t go out. You don’t date. You’re too young to live like a damn hermit!”

“I’ll work with him and I’ll look into dating someone. But I will definitely never forget what happened.”

She sighs. “Well, I suppose that’s better than nothing. I wish you’d just forgive him and talk to him but as long as you do the charity and don’t stomp off in a huff if he actually has the nerve to talk to you, I guess I’ll accept it.” She stomps off, muttering, “That’s what’s wrong with kids now. They just can’t let stupid shit from when they were a kid go.”

I wish she was wrong.



First night’s work.I check the list and groan. There are two things we have to get today. And I’ve done my research and know exactly where to go. There’s a little shop in the next town over from Hamilton and it’s got a gorgeous crystal figurine with a partridge sitting in the branches of a soft green pine tree with Christmas packages under it. You might not think that’s unique but since it’s a three-foot-tall tree made out of crystal and with a partridge in a pear tree for Christmas, you gotta love it and it’s perfect. We’ll pick it up and everyone who made donations will get a shot at winning it and all of the money goes to the home because we’re trying to have all of the prizes be donations.

I’m pacing and fussing when I feel her behind me. I told the grannies to have her meet me at the cafe in town. Coffee Habit is my favorite cafe ever. They’ve got the best lunch sandwiches and the coffee is perfect. Even if you just like plain old coffee.

I’ve already had two coffees sitting here waiting for her because I wanted to be early. Now I wish I hadn’t had them. My heart is racing so fast that it feels like I could have a heart attack right here and now.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I turn around. Lord, it’s like a gut punch every time I see her. Her mouth is tight and she’s glaring at me like I just kicked her dog.

“Hi, Misty.” I have to force the words out through my suddenly dry throat.

“Yeah. I’m not gonna act happy to get conned into this, Sebastian Rowe. So you can tuck that cute-ass smile of yours away for the next girl that you’re looking to charm. That’s not me.”

A slow smirk creeps over my face. “You think I have a cute smile?”

Huffing out a frustrated breath, she sinks into the book, ignoring me. “Out of everything I said, that’s what you get stuck on?”

“Yeah. All the rest of it is just noise. But that’s important.”

Her dark brow lifts. “Why? I don’t care about it why do you?”

“If you didn’t care about it, you wouldn’t have mentioned it.”

Her blue eyes roll dramatically and her red lips purse. I love it when she wears that red lipstick. She’s always been partial to it even when she’s riding horses. Rounding up cattle. Doesn’t matter. She often has it on, and it makes my dick hard as a fucking rock.

“I didn’t mention it because I care. It is what it is.”

She waves at the waitress, Stephanie and nods at the coffee cup in front of her. She smiles and brings her over a cup. At the first sip, she sighs and I smile. Misty’s always loved her coffee. As much as she can get. You don’t talk to her in the morning unless she’s had her morning cup of Joe.

“We’ve only got to get through this, Sebastian. I don’t intend to have a bunch of chit chat and we don’t need to make friends and all that other shit.”

I sigh. It’s too soon and I knew it. We need to get to know each other again. I’ll push all my feelings down and wait until she feels more comfortable with me. “We have to drive to Hickory tonight and pick up the first item.”

“You already found it?” She sips her coffee and watching her soft lips curve around the top of her cup is both distracting and aggravating. Aggravating because it’s distracting. Because my dick is banging on my zipper like he’s knocking on a fucking door.

“If you already found it, why do I need to come along? I’m sure you can handle this all by yourself.” She goes to stand but I grab her hand and jerk her back into the seat, grinning when she glares at me. Don’t know why it turns me on when she’s pissed but it does.

“Don’t touch me!” she snaps.

I hold my hands up and grimace. “Sorry. But it’s not little. The damn thing is three feet tall and crystal. I need a little help to make sure it makes it in one piece.”

“Fine. I suppose that makes sense.”

I let her finish her coffee in peace, my eyes roving over her pretty face. It’s been so long since I’ve been alone with her. I didn’t think it would ever really happen.

“Hey, baby. You done?” I throw a couple of bills on the table and stand when she takes her last sip.

She stands and tugs her coat back on. “Yeah. Let’s get this over with.”
