Page 41 of Vicious Vows

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“It’s time to go home, Mrs. Mancini,” he says sternly, and I feel a flush of anxiety. The coffee no longer sounds as appetizing, thinking about going home to Alessio and the scolding I’m going to get from him. I bite my lip, wondering if there’s some way I can convince them not to tell him.

I already know that’s a lost cause, though. I might also technically be their employer, but Alessio is the one who pays their salary. They’re not going to keep a secret like that from him—not a chance. I’m just going to have to deal with the consequences of my actions.

Consequences.My thighs tighten suddenly on the smooth leather seat as I slip inside the SUV, wondering just what those consequences might be. The coffee shakes a little in my hand as I raise it to my lips, the silky sweetness of the mocha making my stomach cramp a little—it’s the richest thing I’ve eaten or drunk in a while, with my appetite being what it has been. I hadn’t snuck off without my security with the intent of making Alessio punish me, but now that I think about it—

Heat blooms in my stomach, spreading through my veins, and I think of that night in his office, the impact of his hand against my ass, the way the strange pleasure that I’d felt from it had made my knees weak.Will he do that again?I bite my lip, taking another sip of the coffee, my blood buzzing for reasons that have nothing to do with the caffeine.

The anticipation turns to stomach-clenching fear; however, the moment I step into the foyer with the security guards surrounding me, and see Alessio waiting for me there, his face taut and painted with angry lines that make me shiver for reasons that have nothing to do with desire. I can see that he’s furious.

And all that fury is directed at me.


I’ve never been so angry with Gianna, not even when she made a bit of a scene at that first dinner party, not even when she mouthed off to me afterward. And I have no intentions of hiding it, or making this easier on her.

I march towards her, ignoring the way she shrinks back as I reach for her, the security parting around me like a wave as I do. She lets out a small yelp of protest as my fingers close around her elbow, but I ignore that too, leading her at a quick pace towards the door that goes to the smaller living room down the hall.

“No one is to disturb us,” I tell one of the guards sharply. “Make sure that no one does.”

“Alessio—” Gianna’s voice is a thready whisper, and it stabs at my chest, but I swallow back the urge to go a little easier on her. I wait until we’re inside the room, the doors securely shut behind us, and then I round on her.

“Do you haveanyidea how worried I was for you when I got the call that they’d lost sight of you? Do you have any idea what I imagined could have happened? Who could have taken you? You arevaluable, Gianna, and your father’s murderer is still out there somewhere! You were irresponsible, and you put yourself in danger, and—”

Her wide blue eyes are welling with tears. I try to ignore it, try to tell myself that she needs this, to have the magnitude of what she’s done drummed into her without hesitation, but I can’t help the way it makes me feel to see her like this.

She can’t put herself in that kind of danger again. I can’t lose her, too.

The thought startles me with its intensity, hinting at the sort of feeling that I can’t let myself admit that I feel—not now, not for her. I take her elbow again, a little less roughly this time, and steer her towards the sofa in the center of the room.

“Alessio, what—” Her voice trembles, and I stop at the edge of it, looking down at her.

“You put yourself in danger today,” I repeat firmly. “You forced your security team to go on a wild-goose chase looking for you. You made me worry,terrifiedme that something was going to happen to you. You caused unnecessary upheaval in everyone’s day, and for what? To explore on your own? To get coffee?”

Gianna’s lower lip trembles. “I just wanted to feel normal for a minute,” she whispers. “Like a normal college student signing up for classes. I’veneverfelt normal. Not even a little.”

I feel my chest tighten at her admission, and I want to sympathize with her, to let this go, to comfort her. But Ican’t. I tell myself, as I look down at her, that this is for her own good. She has to learn the severity of what she did, the necessity of following the rules—especially right now.

“I can understand that,” I tell her, allowing a little gentleness to seep into my tone. “But all the same, Gianna, what you did today was unacceptable. And you’re going to be punished for it.” I nod to her jeans. “Unbutton your jeans and push them down to your thighs. Your panties, too.”

Gianna’s eyes go round, and I see a red flush stain her cheeks. Her lip quivers, her hands trembling, and I harden my voice as much as I can—at the same time as I fight desperately to keep my cock from doing the same. I can’t have an erection while she’s across my lap—that’s not what this is about. And I don’t want to give her the wrong idea.

“Now, Gianna,” I tell her sternly, and the blush on her cheeks deepens even more as she raises her shaking fingers to the button of her jeans. “You may turn around while you push them down, if you like.”

She nods, swallowing hard as she turns, her hands still undoing the front of her jeans. My mouth goes dry as I see her start to push them down, her thumbs hooking in the denim and the glimpse of silky pink fabric that I catch beneath as she pushes both her jeans and her panties to her hips, just as I instructed, facing away from me.

When the creamy, perfect curve of her ass comes into view, I don’t know how I’m going to keep myself from getting hard. She stops just below it, at the tops of her thighs, and I take her elbow again, guiding her down over my lap. She gasps the instant she realizes what I’m doing, resisting me just a little.

“Alessio,please, you don’t have to—”

The sound of her begging me sends a jolt of blood straight down to my already-swelling cock. “I told you that you need to be punished, and I meant it, Gianna. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”

“But do you have to do it like this?” Her hand plants on my thigh, resisting being drawn down across my lap, her voice a small whimper. “You could do it like last time—”

“No.” I lift her hand off of my thigh, bringing her down across my lap. Her breasts brush against my arm through her silky tank top, the perfect upturned curve of her ass hooked across my other thigh, and I stifle a groan as I look down at her. She’s a vision—a glorious, perfect vision, and I’ve never wanted a woman more in my entire life.

This is starting to feel like as much of a punishment for me as it is for her. I struggle not to think about it as I lay my hand against one side of her ass, fighting the urge to stroke my hand over the curve. “Twenty this time,” I tell her, and Gianna makes a small nodding motion with her head. I can feel how tense she is under my touch. “Count out loud.”

When I bring my hand down against her smooth flesh, she lets out a high-pitched, whimpering cry that once again feels as if it goes straight to my cock. “One!” she gasps out, her hand flailing out to grab at the coffee table, and I see the glint of the diamonds on her wedding band. The same feeling goes through me that I felt on the day of our wedding, when I slipped it onto her slim finger, a possessive feeling that grips me like a vise.Mine, I think, gritting my teeth as I bring my hand down again, feeling her flesh heat under my fingertips.Mine, mine, mine. My wife. My—
