Page 70 of Sacrifice

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He started the engine.

And pulled away from the curb.

“Stop!” I turned to the side windows, pounding my fist against it, trying to get someone’s attention, but we were already too far down the street. Hoggarty hit the gas even harder and threw me back against the seat. “Please!”

He took a sharp left. My body slipped on the seats, sliding across them like I was on a slip-and-slide, and my shoulder hit the door with a painful thud.

“I’m sorry about this,” he finally said as we pulled onto another street. Something told me it didn’t lead to the police station. “Prophet Andrew said if we couldn’t find the girl, you might still save us.”

“I can’t,” I cried out, shaking my head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You already had one baby with the special mark,” he started, his eyes meeting mine in the mirror. They were wide and bright like they were full of excitement. “That means you can make another.”


I patted my pockets, but I’d left my phone in Hawk’s truck, my mind too focused on other things.

No, no, no.

“Please. Stop.”

“It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. We will all be saved because of you.”

Get your shit together, Missy.

Don’t give in.

I sat a little straighter, scooting close to the window to watch for street names or significant landmarks in case I needed to tell someone how to find me. They shot by in a blur, and I repeated the names in my head, but it got harder and harder to focus with the heavy dose of adrenaline that my pounding heart pumped through me.

The cut on my finger was throbbing, the makeshift bandage I’d made with paper towels and tape did little to protect it, but I’d refused to go anywhere to get it looked at before I’d found Kadey.

I still had no idea where she was.

Hoggarty had said they couldn’t find her.

That’s why he needed me.

So if she wasn’t taken when they killed Jared,where the hell was my daughter?


Jared’s dead.

And it’s because of me.

Tears burned at the back of my throat.

It didn’t matter how much I hated the asshole—my heart still hurt. Not because I would miss him but because Kadey would. The shit he put me through, the way he treated me, I’d remember that forever.

But Kadey wouldn’t.

She was too young to fully understand. Kadey knew Jared hurt my feelings sometimes, that he made me cry. But he also taught her how to ride a bike, watched cartoons with her and acted like a fool when she was sad, just to make her laugh.

He was her dad.

The reason she existed.

And I would always thank him for that.
