Page 73 of Sacrifice

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“Well, get me a fix on his car’s location.”

I glanced back at Bishop, who gave me a sharp nod. “Can I at least go and put Kadey in the car?” I asked, getting to my feet with Kadey in my arms.

Halle wasn’t buying my shit, the deep frown pinching her brow telling me she was well aware that there was something not quite right going on here.

And I’d suddenly figured out what the fuck it was.

“Sure, we’ve got your details, and we’ll be in touch if we need anything else. Just know this is an open murder investigation, so make sure you don’t leave the city,” she said, but I was already carrying Kadey down the stairs and around the side of the house, my brothers moving swiftly behind me as we made a beeline for our trucks parked out front.

Except Bishop.

He was waiting.

“They must have come here first, couldn’t find Kadey, so Isaac went to the apartment demanding to know where the hell she was.” Blue pieced things together quietly as I placed Kadey in the backseat, strapping her in before stepping back and closing the door. I’d already called Gem and she was due any minute. Cain would escort them to the clubhouse and make sure they were safe while we finished this shit and got Missy back.

“The cop is on the payroll and hears this come over the radio. He comes to make sure the investigation doesn’t point to The Valley,” I added to Blue’s conclusion. “And when he shows up, surprise, Missy is here.”

Opportunity called.

And he took it.

There was a reason that police car hadn’t made it the few blocks from here to the local station.

“He’s parked on a street just outside Ann Arbor,” Bishop announced, finally joining us. “Fieldcr—”

“Fieldcrest Lane,” Blue cut in. “It’s one of the last twenty places owned by The Valley that we haven’t checked yet. It’s about forty-five minutes from here.”

I shook my head. “We’re gonna do it in thirty.”

I hadn’t escaped that place for them to come back now and try to rip away my fucking happiness. Not in this fucking lifetime or the next. When you know, you know. And since this woman had walked into my life swinging a baseball bat, I fucking knew.

The Valley thought they hated me back then. They thought the fires of hell burned inside me and that, one day, they would destroy me.

They were wrong because the fire only grew.

Bigger, stronger, and fiercer than they could have ever imagined.

They thought it would be my destruction.

But in the end, it was going to be theirs.


The car jerked to a hard stop.

I had no idea how long we’d been driving, but we’d pulled over in the middle of some suburban street lined with two-story brick homes. They were beautiful. It was definitely a more affluent neighborhood than the streets of Detroit I was used to now.

It reminded me more of where I grew up.

Homes with perfectly manicured lawns and quaint little flower beds.

The car door on the opposite side swung open, and I turned, ready to fight, scream, or both. But all that greeted me was a gun barrel pointed directly at my head. “You are going to get out and not make a noise.” I wasn’t convinced. From what I’d gathered from my police friend, I was more valuable to them alive than I was dead.

“You shoot me, and you’ll never be saved.”

I wasn’t really sure what that meant, but the man holding the gun clenched his jaw, and his grip on the handgun tightened.

“Okay. Make a noise, and I will take you inside and make you watch as I kill Grace.”Ouch. “Then you will be responsible for the loss of three lives. Her and the babies.”
