Page 83 of Sacrifice

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I knew what it was like to have people judge your choices as a parent. I had a baby at seventeen. There were plenty of suggestions that I adopt her out or simply terminate the pregnancy, and those suggestions usually came from people who had no business speaking about what I should do with my family.

Which I realized was where I was right now.

“My husband has always treated me well. I know you have heard bad things, but we really did fall in love. Our parents supervised our dates, and we spent time together, got to know each other, before he asked for my hand.” It was almost sweet. Innocent. “He is the husband and father I always dreamed of.”

“But what about all the beliefs The Valley has, the punishments they use.”

She nodded. “Yes, they are a concern, but promises have been made that those things will change now. And if they do not, I will think again about how I feel.” Grace was logical. It was why I was so surprised that she leaned into The Valley and the things they taught, but now I realized it was more than that. “My need to be there, to love and support my children, is so much more important than my freedom.”

I hated hearing the words, but I couldn’t help but understand exactly what she was saying.

I would sacrifice anything to protect my daughter.

And Grace was doing just that. She loved them so much that she was willing to go back to a place like The Valley, because being there to keep them safe and make sure they were loved, was more important than anything life out here had to offer.

“Spotted your husband walking in, so we better go,” Hawk announced from the doorway. Kadey sat on his hip, demolishing a chocolate bar. “Don’t stay away too long.”

Grace grinned at him. “I will see you soon, my darling brother.”

I wrapped her in a tight hug. “Be safe,” I whispered before pulling back and making a quick escape out the door. We didn’t want to make things awkward for her, so it was best we left when people from The Valley came by.

I leaned into Hawk’s body, completely exhausted as we walked out of the hospital and across the parking lot. Hawk loaded Kadey into the truck and I slumped into the passenger’s seat, a heavy feeling settling in my gut as we pulled out of the lot and onto the road.

“You really think The Valley will change?” I questioned, glancing back at the hospital.

His hands tightened on the wheel for a second before he leaned back into his seat. “I think it’s within their best interests to do so.”


“Yeah, because if they come after my family again…” he glanced back at Kadey before placing his hand on my thigh, “… I’m gonna make sure there’s nothing left for them to go back to.”

“Home now?” Kadey questioned.

I placed my hand over his, squeezing it tight. “Yeah, baby. Home.”

Hawk and I both had destructive pasts that we’d fought to overcome. They were the broken building blocks that made us who we were.

But now we’re using those damaged pieces to build a future.


A home.


Two Months Later…

“Can you grab me a bottle of tequila?” I asked Missy, standing at the doorway to our storeroom. “The good stuff. Some guy at the bar wants a fresh bottle.”

Missy scoffed, scanning the shelves for a second before she reached up and plucked a large, teardrop-shaped bottle from one of the top shelves.

“What the fuck is that?”

“Goddammit,” Missy cursed under her breath, tugging her shirt down to try and cover the makeshift bandage I’d just spotted on her hip. “It’s nothing.”

She held out the bottle, and I took it from her hand and placed it on the shelf just inside the door. “You get hurt?”

She started to back away, but there was no escape.
