Page 20 of The Light Within

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“That’s hilarious,” I finally say, shaking my head. “Poor Bryan.”

Savannah takes a sip of her iced caramel coffee. “He handled it well. He’s used to Will’s temper, especially concerning you.”

Nodding, I say, “Will needs to calm down about Bryan, though. He doesn’t feel anything except friendship toward me.” I give Savannah a pointed look, a devious smile curling my lips. “He has his sights set on a beautiful blonde staying in the cabin not far from his.”

Savannah’s face burns from embarrassment as she quickly ducks her head, trying to hide her blush with her long hair. As if that will work.

Changing the subject, I admire my red toenails, telling Elizabeth what a wonderful job she did, before I grab my cell phone beside me. Looking at the time, I say, “Feel like getting your hair done? We still have plenty of time before we meet Will and Bry for lunch.” When Savannah lifts her head and smiles, nodding at me, I enter the passcode into my phone, then text Will. I know he’ll want to pay for it. Despite him giving me a credit card and telling me there’s no limit to what I can spend, I still like to run expenses by him.

“Can we get an appointment?” Savannah starts to bring her drink to her mouth but stops when I meet her baby blue eyes. “Never mind. Dumb question.” She lifts her cup, taking a drink.

My phone beeps. “Will has already gotten us an appointment for ‘whatever we want to have done.’ I’m thinking cut and highlights?”

“Oh, I love that idea.”

My smile matches hers. As I hand Elizabeth my credit card, I high-five Savannah. “We are going to be gorgeous for our lunch dates.”

Savannah chokes on her coffee as I laugh. She has a crush on Bryan. Her reaction proved it.

Now I just have to figure out how to get her to admit it and convince her to flirt with Bryan. One bat of her long eyelashes and he’ll be putty in her hands.

As soon as I exit my vehicle, a long, loud whistle pierces my ears. The smell of spice and woods engulfs me as Will’s arms slip around my waist, pressing his chest against my back. My body responds instantly, sinking against him, my muscles relaxing.

“Hello, gorgeous.” Will’s warm breath flows over my ear, his voice low and seductive. My body instantly responds, heat coiling in my center from my ever-present desire for him. “You look fucking amazing.”

Giggling, I cover his hands with mine, tilting my head so I can see him. “Hey there, handsome. Seems like you missed me.” I grind my ass against his dick, his already hard cock thickening in his trousers.

“Ialwaysmiss you when we are apart.” His hands rub over my stomach. “Did you enjoy being pampered?”

“Absolutely. Thank you for treating us.”

“Always, my love.” He shoots a glance toward Savannah, and the expression on his face draws my attention to her.

I nearly laugh out loud when I see Savannah leaning against the passenger side of my car, her cheeks bright red, panicked eyes darting around, while Bryan stares at her as if he’s in a trance. My best friend is gorgeous and her freshly cut and colored hair enhances her beauty.

I’m barely able to suppress my laugh when I meet Will’s eyes again. His amused expression as his gaze drifts from Savannah to Bryan, then back to mine, is almost too much. “Savannah’s face is a bit red, huh?” His grin is full of mischief as he looks at Bryan. “And his gaze hasn’t moved from her since she stepped out of your vehicle.”

This time, I laugh. “We had a nice time, but she got annoyed when I started questioning her about Bryan. She’s attracted to the guy but in complete denial, resisting him at every turn. While we were getting pedicures, I asked her about him, and she said, ‘He thinks he’s always right. That he can find information faster than I can. When I find something first, he immediately searches to find something I missed. It’s annoying as fuck.’ That’s code for she really likes him.” Shaking my head, I sigh. “She’s in complete denial.”

He spins me around, clasping my hand in his. “You’re going to meddle, aren’t you?”

“It’s not meddling. It’s intervening in your best friend’s life so she can have the happiness she deserves. Lord knows she’s overdue.” Although my voice is low, I shoot a glance at Savannah to ensure she didn’t hear what I just said. When I glance up at Will, his brow furrows as he processes my words.

I quickly change the subject before he can ask me questions. “Are you trying to tell me you haven’t said anything to Bryan about her?”

The smile that spreads across his face is full of mischief. “I gave him shit about her. I think he wanted to stab me on the way to our meeting.” He tugs on my hand, guiding me toward the diner. Savannah glances at us, then pushes off Everleigh’s car, walking behind us.

Bryan holds the restaurant door open, gesturing for us to go inside. I hear Savannah mutter a nervous “Thank you,” from behind me, her voice cracking.

Yup, she definitely likes him.

Glancing up at Will as he escorts me to a table, my heart pounds as my gaze roams down his body.Damn, this man is hot.

Will is wearing black slacks, a white shirt open at the collar, and a black blazer. The dark colors contrast against his blond hair and pale skin. The way he carries himself gives off an air of intimidation as he moves through the diner, drawing attention as he passes. Nearly all the females look up as he passes, giving him admiring glances. I glare at them like I want to slit their throats, and they quickly look away.

When I meet Will’s eyes, he’s watching me, a smirk pulling up his lips. His head lowers, lips close to my ear. Warm breaths feather across my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake, as his husky voice says, “You never have to worry, love. I only have eyes for you.”

His words cause my internal temperature to shoot up a few degrees. I know he’s loyal to me. But I can’t help being territorial when it comes to him. “I have no doubts, love. I just don’t like them looking at you like you’re on the menu. You’remine.” I squeeze his hand slightly, a flirtatious smile on my lips.
