Page 22 of The Light Within

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Will’s head turns in my direction, raising his brows, but he says nothing. He sure as hell doesn’t stop me as I continue lightly stroking his leg, repeatedly grazing his dick with my fingers.

It’s ironic how possessive I am. I’ve never been like this with anyone else. Of course, the stakes were never this high.

It would completely destroy me to lose him. Even though I know he loves me and is loyal to me, there’s an uneasy feeling that washes through me. As though there’s trouble ahead.

Shaking it away, I focus on the present.

After our waitress places Savannah’s plate of food in front of her, I meet her gaze, noting the laughter on her face at me staking my claim over Will in front of the waitress.

“Feel like a shopping trip this afternoon? I need to buy a dress.” I say to Savannah as I move my hand away from Will’s thigh, grabbing my fork.

Savannah shrugs. “Sure. I’m in. You’re probably going to need new shoes, too.” She looks over at Will, who simply smiles.

“Whatever my fiancée wants.” He shoots me a wink.

Before I can answer, I’m distracted by our waitress. As she slides Bryan’s plate of food in front of him, she gives him a flirtatious smile. “Here you go, sugar. Does everything look okay?” She pushes her chest out, brushing a lock of hair over her shoulder.

He looks slightly startled, but he quickly rebounds, looking at his food. He gives her a smile. “It looks great. Thanks.”

Savannah’s shoulders tense and her spine stiffens as her attention locks on the waitress and Bryan. Her hand clutches her fork so tightly her knuckles turn white.

“Wonderful. If you needanything, let me know.” The waitress gives him a wink.

Savannah savagely stabs her fried potatoes like she wishes they were the waitress’s big green eyes.

Bryan doesn’t seem to be affected by her flirtatious nature, giving her a friendly smile. “Will do.” Turning his attention to his food, he picks up his fork and starts eating.

The waitress sighs and leaves the table. Savannah’s grip loosens on her fork. The relief on her face is obvious as she busies herself with her food.

Glancing at Will, I see the amused expression as he glances over at me, winking. It’s obvious he noticed Savannah’s behavior, as well as Bryan shrugging off the waitress’s flirtations.

Bryan turns toward Savannah, a shit-eating grin on his face. “How’s your potatoes?”

I’m glad I’m not drinking any water, or I probably would have spit it out or choked on it. Clearly, he noticed Savannah stabbing her potatoes when the waitress was flirting with him.

A blush colors her cheeks as she turns her head to his with a smile. “Fine.”

“That’s good.” He grabs the pitcher of water setting on our table. “Would you like a refill?”

Surprise widens her eyes as she stares at him for a few beats, saying nothing.

Finally, she clears her throat. “Umm… sure.” As Bryan pours the water into her glass, she lets out a breath, as though she’s trying to regain her composure. “Thank you.”

His smile widens. “You’re welcome.” Turning his attention to me and Will, he offers to refill our waters.

As Bryan is busy refilling our glasses, I watch Savannah, who is still smiling.

Bryan impressed her.

Clearing her throat, Savannah says, “Can someone pass me the salt?”

Bryan reaches over, picks it up from the table, and hands it to her. She takes it with a smile, thanking him.

I don’t miss the way Bryan lights up when she’s polite to him.

Lifting my glass of water to help hide my grin, I lock eyes with Will. He shakes his head and mouths, “Don’t meddle.”

Saying nothing, I lift my glass slightly higher as though I’m toasting him. He rolls his eyes but grabs his glass. “To new adventures.” I say, glancing at Savannah and Bryan, who have struck up a conversation about the food.
