Page 39 of The Light Within

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Channeling my anger into my fists, I connect with Bryan, knocking him across the ring and into the ropes.

“Damn, Will. What the fuck?” His chest heaves as he bends at the waist, gasping for air. “This fucking padding is worthless against you.”

I grin, smugness causing my chest to puff out. I may not be training as often or as hard, but I’m not losing my strength or skill in the ring.

“Need a break?” I taunt, raising my eyebrows.

Bryan reluctantly nods. “Maybe I should have Everleigh step in and take my place?”

I glower at him. “You fucking know better. I’d never hit her like I’m hitting you. I don’t care if she’d beg me to.”

Bryan’s lip turns up in a smirk. “Not even if she starts beating the hell out of you?”

Tossing him an arrogant smile before I bend over and pick up my water bottle, I say, “Do you honestly think Everleigh would unleash on me?” Opening it, I take a swig from the bottle, quenching my thirst.

Bryan chuckles. “No, I don’t. But man, I’d love to see her unleashed if someone tried to harm you. Or the kids inside her.” He lets out a long whistle. “Fuck… can you imagine?”

I can, and the image both terrifies me and makes me so proud that my chest swells. “Hell, yes. There’d be nothing left of them.”

“Nothing left of who?” Everleigh’s voice comes from behind me. Turning, I take in the vision that is my fiancée as she glides across the room to the ring, her black yoga pants clinging to her muscular legs. Her smile is like the sun after days of gloomy gray skies.

I can never get enough of her.

Her earthy eyes sparkle as she catches me checking her out, so I blatantly drink her in, my leisurely gaze perusing every curve. Locking my gaze on hers, she heads to the ring, her smile becoming flirtatious the closer she gets to me. Spellbound, I track her movements until she climbs the steps to the ring.

“See anything you like?” Jutting out one hip, she steps close to me, the ropes between us.

My arms shoot between the ropes, pulling her closer, my arms winding up her back and into her chestnut locks. “I love everything I see.” Pressing my lips against hers, I don’t even give a second thought to how sweaty I am as I press myself against her, the ropes digging into my body.

Pulling back, it hits me that the ropes could be near her stomach. Pushing her slightly back, she chuckles. “Even if the ropes were pressing into my stomach, they aren’t going to hurt our girls. Stop fretting, daddy.”

My gaze travels from her stomach to her face, taking in her teasing smile. “Can’t take any chances.” Putting one foot on the bottom rope, I wrap my hand around the middle one, stretching them apart. “Get your ass inside this ring.”

Laughing, she does as I instruct, waving at Bryan once she’s inside the ring with us. “Is Will kicking your ass?”

Bryan grimaces. “I’m gonna be sore for a week at this rate. Wanna switch me pl—”

“No,” I roar, glaring at him. “She isnotswitching places with you, asshole.”

Chuckling, Bryan shrugs. “Worth a try.”

“Might be a bad idea. I don’t think we’d get any training done. We’d likely end up naked.” She lifts one shoulder in a shrug, her gaze moving to mine.

A low growl comes from my chest at her words. “As much as I’d like for that to happen, you willnotbe naked in front of Bryan.”

Leaning into me, she places a gentle kiss on my lips, her hands splayed on my chest. “Demanding and possessive. I like it,” she teases. “But I’m not here for that. I just wanted to let you know everyone has confirmed their attendance at what I hope will become our annual Thanksgiving dinner.” Her eyes soften, the golden flecks sparkling. “I was wondering if we could discuss how we will share our pregnancy news with our family and friends.”

Her words make me melt. “Of course, love. I can’t wait to see their faces.” My hands slide over her stomach.

“I can’t wait for them to see how excited you are to be a father.” Her face is radiant, her hands sliding up my chest to the back of my neck.

My smile is wide as I say, “I honestly couldn’t imagine I’d be this excited about having kids. But having them with you… There’s nothing better in this world.” I feel like my heart is about to explode as tears shimmer on her lashes, her arms wrapping tightly around me as she stands on her tiptoes.

“I love you, Will. I can’t wait to marry you, then meet these two girls in about 7 months.”

“I can’t wait to make you my wife. Then I’ll pamper you until our girls arrive.” My hands slide under her ass and I lift her, laughing as she squeals, her legs wrapping around my waist.

“Is this my cue to leave?” Bryan asks with a chuckle.
