Page 48 of The Light Within

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Asmugsenseofsatisfaction wells inside me as Savage Rob’s remains lay in the center of the ring. William was absolutely brutal, not showing an ounce of mercy. Savannah had to look away and I saw her chest heaving, likely trying to keep from vomiting.

Bryan and I are completely unaffected by the scene. I wonder how much damage he’s inflicted on his and William’s enemies in the past. While Bryan is a nice guy, he is intensely loyal to those he loves. I imagine he could inflict some serious damage if you’re stupid enough to harm anyone he cares for.

We are still inside the ring in the corner, too mesmerized by Will to move once he unleashed the monster inside.

Bryan pats my shoulder, drawing my attention from the bloody man in the center of the ring who raises his arms in victory. The roar of the crowd is deafening as they scream and cheer, giving Will the adulation he deserves.

Leaning close to my ear, Bryan says, “I’m going to take Savannah and Darin to visit with Maverick. Find us when you’re finished.”

My brow wrinkles in confusion. “When we are—"

I don’t get another word out as I’m tossed over Will’s shoulder. He fist bumps Bryan, then manages to climb out of the ring with me slung over him like a sack of potatoes. I grip his waist, calling his name, but I’m not sure he hears me as he carries me down the aisle. I weakly smile at Savannah, who laughs at me, then turns to Bryan, who is now at her side.

As Will pushes through a door, the roar of the crowd disappears. My ears ring slightly from the sudden change, although I’m grateful for the quietness. The only sound is the steady tap of Will’s boots as he strides to a destination only he knows. I don’t recognize this hallway. He stops and presses a button, and I crane my neck, spotting an elevator.

“Um, Will. The blood is going to my head. Can you put—”

My body slides down his, my legs wrapping around his waist as his hands grip my ass cheeks. His face is still red from his rage and his icy blue eyes are practically white as they bore into mine. His breathing is heavy as his penetrating stare looks right through me, the monster still in control.

I lightly shiver from the heat pooling inside my body. I’m throbbing with desire, the flush of warmth spreading from my groin outward and I start grinding against his hard cock, aching to feel him inside me.

Will leans closer, tilting his head, gently pushing his lips against mine, then pulling away, a smirk on his face.

Ahh, I’m not dealing with Will. William is fully in control.

A white-hot rush of desire pulses through my center, making me wetter than I’ve ever been. The darkness that is normally hidden deep inside fills me, extinguishing my light.

“I need you, William.” I barely get those words out before his lips crash against mine. The elevator doors open and he marches us inside, my back hitting the wall as he grinds against my center so hard it’s both pleasurable and painful.

One hand leaves my ass as he presses a button behind him. I feel his movements, but I’m feral for him, positively desperate, as he kisses me so deeply and passionately that he takes all my air. This kiss is unlike anything we’ve shared, packed with an electrical current so strong all my nerves feel like live wires, the hair standing up on my arms and neck from the goosebumps that cover my skin.

His hand returns to my ass and he squeezes as he presses himself against me harder. Moaning loudly into his mouth, my fingers dig into his scalp as I grip his hair. Bright colors explode behind my eyes as he devours my mouth, kneading my skin. There’s no music playing in the elevator, but I hear a symphony of instruments playing inside my head—and heart.

William tilts my head, sucking my bottom lip between his, giving it a playful bite. Surprise jolts through me as the metallic taste of blood hits my tongue, but he sweeps it away, drinking my life essence.

Fuck! Why is that so goddamn hot?

For a moment, betrayal makes me stiffen my spine. It’s as though I’m cheating on Will, even though they are the same person.

His lips pull away from mine. “No.” His hand shoots up, gripping my face, holding it in place. “You aren’t cheating or betraying me.” His stare is so intense it causes goosebumps to pebble over my skin.

His monster beckons to mine, seducing me to let her out. Fear latches onto me with its tight tentacles, constricting my breathing. I’ve always hated the name Eve because that’s what I called the devil that swirled inside me, enticing me with thoughts of vengeful murder. Ainsley would call me “Eve” anytime I did anything wrong, bitching to the man I thought was my father about me. Eve would stare her down with murderous eyes, and she’d clutch at her chest, pointing at me, screaming that I was the devil.

As if Will can hear my thoughts, his smile widens, his voice seductive and lilting. “Let her out to play with William, Everleigh. I can handle her, just like you can handle me.”

A growl comes from inside as the darkness comes forth, rearing her head, staring back at him confidentially, my shoulders straightening with pride. His eyes darken with arousal as he watches me transform, my features shifting as I reveal Eve to him.

“Hello, William. I’m Eve.” I feel the seductive smile on my lips. Cocking my head, I trace one red, long nail over his bloody cheek, scratching it until the blood pools from it. Leaning forward, my tongue traces over it, my eyes closing as I taste him on my tongue. Like a bonfire, my blood rushes through my body, arousal mixing with my power and his. Pulling back slightly, I look back and forth between his eyes, my brow raised in a challenge. “Think you can handle me?”

A deep, guttural growl I’ve never heard before bursts from his lips as his mouth slams against mine, consuming me. I take his mouth with the same passionate enthusiasm, stealing his breath away. Our tongues tangle together, arms clenching one another as the elevator stops. Cold air seeps inside as the doors open, pulling me from my lustful thoughts.

Pulling back from him, I give a bewildered look around. “Where—”

“Eyes on me, Eve.” His commanding voice draws my attention as I lock my gaze with his. “As long as you face me, your eyes remain on mine at all times. Do I make myself clear?”
