Page 92 of The Light Within

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Since the kidnapping and near assault, I’ve experienced flashbacks and nightmares. I’ve felt like I’m dirty or tainted, and experienced a loss of control over my life.

While I’ve been working damn hard to take it back, and Will and my friends and family have been extremely supportive and instrumental to my healing, all these issues wouldn’t have been present if not for what Colin did.

His actions are unforgivable.

The fucker needs topay.

As the darkness swirls around me, letting Eve come to the surface to play, I no longer have the concerns I once had about being swallowed by the shadows.

William would never allow that to happen. He’d storm the gates of hell to pull me back into the light.

Will is my savior, as much as I’m his.

My gaze bores into Colin’s, but he refuses to look at me, as though I’m insignificant.

That pisses the monster off inside me. Eve doesn’t tolerate being ignored.

My hand shoots out, grabbing his hair, yanking his head back so his gaze is level with mine. “I won’t show you a single drop of leniency, so save your breath and don’t fucking bother pleading with me.” Then I drag my knife along his arm, making a long shallow cut, ensuring I’m not hitting anything that will make him bleed out too fast.

I want this tolast.

Colin screams, and a laugh escapes me. His weakness strengthens me, making me powerful again.

Defiance flares in his eyes and he stops screaming, taking in my face. His face contorts and with a sneer, he chokes out, “I-I w-wouldn’t b-b-beg you f-for a f-fucking thing, b-bitch.”

My fist shoots out, cracking him in the nose so hard the snapping of the bone fills the room. Blood pours down his face as he howls from the pain.

“Glad we have that settled.” I roll my eyes, shaking my head. “You snivel like a little bitch, Colin.”

He spits on me, a mixture of phlegm and blood hitting my cheek before I can dodge it. The guttural roar behind me has me spinning around, dropping my knife to the floor, my hands crashing against his chest, stopping William.

“Don’t worry, my beast. I have this under control.” I seal my lips against him, my mouth hot and demanding, changing his rage to desire.

I slowly pull back from his lips, aware that if I don’t, the lust will consume me.

He reaches one hand up, catching the towel that Bryan throws him, gingerly cupping my face with the hand that still wears the splint, his other hand cleaning my face. The smell of rubbing alcohol assaults my senses, making me blink.

“I don’t want his disgusting spit and blood marking you, Goddess. He’s toxic. Unworthy of you.”

A smile pulls at my lips. “There is only one man and beast that’s worthy of me. And he’s cleaning my face right now.”

A possessive growl rumbles in his chest. “You’re damn right.”

The air crackles with electricity between us, but I fight it, unwilling to give into it yet.

“Do you have the razor blades I requested?”

He pulls the towel away, inspecting my cheek before his eyes lift to mine. “Do you even need to ask?” Our gazes remained locked as William wiped his face, cleaning Colin’s spit off him that I got on his face when I kissed him, before tossing the towel over my head, the sound of Bryan snagging it from the air behind me.

Breaking eye contact, William bends down, retrieving my knife. Standing up, he hands it to me. My skin tingles as soon as our hands touch, the spark of electricity brighter than the lights of this cabin.

My grin widens as I lift a shoulder. “I already know the answer. It was a distraction technique.” I tuck my knife into the sheath at my hip, planning to use it later.

After spitting on me, there’s a different kind of torture I have in mind for Colin.

A smirk pulls his lips up, his eyebrow cocking. Only William can pull off such an arrogant look and make it so fucking sexy.

“What has you distracted, Eve?” he drawls, moving so his body is flush with mine. His low and husky voice has desire racing through my body like lightning dancing across the sky.
