Page 29 of Devious Bastard

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My head is spinning as Evan kisses me, the taste of me on his tongue. I shouldn’t like this. I shouldn’t crave him like I do. While my brain screams that this is wrong, my body wants more.

I’m drowning in him, lost in his kiss. Every time our lips meet, I sink deeper. With every stroke of his tongue against mine, I’ve pushed further toward the bottom of the ocean.

It’s wrong on so many levels.

But right now, I’m finding it hard to care.

I know Evan is dangerous. He’s a walking red flag, capable of the type of destruction that leaves nothing behind except a shell of who you once were.

But I’m incapable of pulling away from the heady sensation of his lips devouring mine. One hand cups my face while the other glides down my body, squeezing my ass.

I want to touch him so damn bad. It’s been so long since I’ve touched any man….

The loud beep of Evan’s phone in his back pocket breaks through my lust-induced haze. He curses beneath his breath before pulling back and studying my face. “Ignore it, bellessimo.”

My body is taut, my mind racing. It beeps again, the sound changing to a warning bell inside my head.

Oh, God. What have I done?

There’s a knock on the door and I freeze, panic racing through me. My gaze darts around my bedroom.

Evan pulls out his phone, muttering curses, before looking up at me. “It’s fine, bellissima. It’s just Trent. A friend of mine.”

It doesn’t feel fine. It feels like Trent just saved me from more regret.

My legs shake as I crawl off the bed. “I need to shower.” Reaching up, my shaking hands fumble with my necklace. Tears are in my eyes as I struggle with the clasp. I don’t swim or shower while wearing this necklace, afraid the delicate chain will snap or the water will eventually ruin the inscription on the back of the heart.

Evan climbs off the bed, grabbing my hand. “Lexi, breathe.” His tone is commanding, and I instantly comply, my breathing evening out, matching his.

“You want this off?” His hand covers mine, still clinging to the heart pendant hanging from the chain.

I nod. “I need to shower. I-I don’t wear it while showering or swimming.”

Evan nods. “I’ll take it off for you.” He spins me around, gentle fingers unclasping and lifting it from my neck. He holds it up to his face, examining it. “This means a lot to you, doesn’t it?”

I nod, staring at him fearfully. “It was a birthday present from my gram. She gave it to me a year before she died.”

He gazes into my eyes, sympathy shining from them. I suck in a breath, not used to Evan looking at me the way he is now. It makes my heart pound faster, my brain screaming,“danger, danger”in time with the rapid beating inside my chest. The last thing I need to do is develop feelings for him.

Evan rubs the smooth pendant between his fingers before his brows draw in. He flips it around, reading the inscription. “The strongest of all bonds can never be broken.” His Adam’s Apple bobs as he swallows hard, his gaze moving from it to me. “Beautiful message.”

Confusion fills me at the way he’s reacting. It’s as though he’s at war with himself as he looks back at the pendant, studying the words with narrowed eyes, his breathing heavy.

“I always put it on my dresser when I take it off.” I stand there awkwardly for a few beats before jerking my thumb over my shoulder in the direction of the bathroom. “I should shower.”

Evan nods, moving to the dresser and gingerly setting it down. “I’ll go see what Trent wants.”

I don’t say anything as I head toward the bathroom. Then it hits me that my clothing is on the kitchen floor. Whirling around, I say, “My clothing….”

Evan chuckles. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it before I let him in.” Moving closer to me, his finger goes beneath my chin. Leaning down, he presses his lips to mine. The touch is so gentle and unlike him that it leaves me breathless when he pulls away.

“Don’t worry, bellissima. I’ve got you.” Then he winks, adjusts his hard dick in his pants, and leaves my bedroom.

Hurrying into the bathroom, I shut the door, pressing my back against the wood. “What the hell have I done?” I whisper to the empty restroom.

* * *
