Page 89 of Grim's Hell

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I shake my head in denial. “No, he do—”

“Stop!” she demands. “Violet, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Grim has been pining after you since he saw you on TV.”

My jaw drops. “What?”

“He doesn’t think I know, but I’m sneaky.” She wiggles her brows. “One look at you, and he was a goner. Grim hates church, with good reason, but he always found time to watch a portion of your dad’s sermon just to catch a brief glimpse of you.”

“N-no, it can’t be.”

“Yes, it sure as hell can.”

“Why didn’t he tell me?” I wonder aloud.

Jez snorts. “Probably because he didn’t want to come off like a demented stalker.”

Giggling, the weight of the day breaks free. Before I know it, I’m full-on belly laughing, and Jez side-eyes me like I’ve lost my marbles. After a minute, I sober up.

“I still remind him of his mom.”

Jez reaches over and grabs my hand. “No, you don’t.” I start to argue, but she shushes me. “Listen, you might have officiallymet under some really shitty circumstances, but Grim already had his sights set on you. He never would’ve pursued you because you were gonna marry another guy. Unfortunately, the way you two met brought to the surface how close he came to almost losing you before even knowing you.”


“Grim is complicated. He loves you, Violet. Men aren’t always the best at communicating it with words.”

I reflect on what she says. True, Grim hasn’t said the words, but he’sshownme time and time again. He was there all throughout my recovery, hardly leaving my side, and he’s been my strength, my protector.

“He loves me,” I whisper, more to myself than to Jez.

“You bet your ass he does.”

“I need to talk to him.”

“You do, but how about we make him sweat for a little bit?” She winks.

I chuckle. “You’re evil.”

“There’s always been a little devil on my shoulder.” Jez glances in her rearview mirror. “What the fu—?”

The Charger surges forward as it’s struck from behind.

“What’s happening?” I yell over the roar of Jez’s engine.

Jez fights for control of the car, which is currently fishtailing on the highway.

Jez peeks at her rearview mirror again and hits a button on her steering wheel. “Call S—”.

Metal grinds against metal as we’re hit again. The seatbelt strains against my skin as we take flight in the air. I brace my arm above my head as the car flips around and around. I scream and close my eyes, unable to determine if we’re right side up or not. My head bounces back and forth against the headrest until finally, the car comes to a rolling stop.

“J-J-Jez… Jez,” I croak, but she doesn’t respond. I move my neck slowly, trying to take stock of my injuries.

Jez is eerily quiet… too quiet. Blood slides down Jez’s face, and a piece of metal sticks out of her chest.

“Jez!” I scream over and over again.

You need to call Grim!

The windshield is cracked, reminding me of a spiderweb, and glass shards puncture my arms and parts of my neck and face. I’m able to wiggle my fingers and toes so I don’t think anything is broken, but I can’t pull myself free because the dashboard is crushing my legs.
