Page 90 of Grim's Hell

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I feel around for my purse, but it’s gone. I twist in my seat and see that it landed on the floor of the backseat. After flicking the switch to unlock the door, I grip the handle and pull, but nothing happens. I toss my body against the door but still nothing.

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

Footsteps approach slowly, and my pulse quickens.

“Jez… Jez, please be okay. Please wake up,” I plead.

My door is wrenched open, and I’m briefly blinded by the sun. I raise my hand to block it only to be greeted by the last human in the world I ever wanted to see again.

“Hello, Violet,” Brad sneers as he leans in close to my face. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

I flinch back into the seat. I can’t afford to break down, Jez needs help. “Brad, call for help. Jez is hurt. She needs help.”

Brad pulls away from me and pounds on the roof of the car. “No, no, no!” he screams. “She helped keep you from me. I hope the bitch dies.” He pokes his head back inside the vehicle to stare at the pair of us, and then he smirks. “Looks like she’s almost dead anyway.”

“Brad, no. Please, call an ambulance.” I have nothing to bargain with but me. “I’ll come with you.”

“You’re in no position to negotiate.” He reaches around my waist and unbuckles my belt.

“Jez!” I scream one last time.

Brad grips me under my armpits and tugs me out of the car, causing my legs to be caught on the dash.

I cry out in pain, but Brad doesn’t stop. As soon as he has my legs free, he throws me over his shoulder and jogs back to his car.

Pummeling his back with my fists doesn’t even phase him. He yanks me down and thrusts me into the passenger seat of his car. He pulls out a gun and aims it directly at my head.

“Don’t even think about moving,” he snarls. “After I shoot you, I’ll go finish your friend.”

I shrink into my seat as Brad moves to the driver’s side. My eyelids droop as I send up a small prayer.

Please let Jez be okay. Grim, I love you.

* * *

Jostled from sleep,my eyes flutter open. Before I’m able to determine the source of the jostling, my head pounds behind my eyes. I squeeze them closed again.

“Come on,” a deep voice commands, pulling on my arm.

“Grim,” I groan.

“Who the fuck is Grim?”

My eyes snap open. “Brad, what are you doing here?” My thoughts are fuzzy, and I don’t resist when Brad takes my hand and tugs me out of the car.

The wind hits my legs, and I hiss in pain. I look down to see my yoga pants are torn and gash marks are peaking through on my skin.

The car accident. Jez!

I struggle to break free, but Brad scoops me up bridal style and walks toward a building. It looks familiar, but my mind isn’t cooperating to figure out why. We’re moving so fast, the world spins. My stomach revolts, and bile spews from my mouth and down Brad’s shirt. I’d laugh if I didn’t think it would cause more pain.

“What the fuck?” He pulls me away from his chest. “You’re lucky I’m not wearing this for much longer,” he says with disgust.

Brad unlocks a door, and he sets me down over the threshold. I slowly turn and realize we’re in my apartment, but my furniture is gone. I gasp as I slap a hand over my mouth.

What. In. The. Hell?

“I knew you’d love it,” Brad whispers in my ear. “You said you didn’t want a televised wedding, baby. I listened.” He walks around me, pointing to everything. “I built this arch with my bare hands. All of our daughters will get married under it, just like their beautiful mother.” He places his hand on my flat stomach. I move out of reach as he keeps droning on.
