Page 62 of The Naga Next Door

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With our arms around each other, we went back inside to find Salt and Pepper sleeping in their rat tree, completely exhausted. They’d had enough socializing for a very long time.

Sybil flopped down on our couch. It was no longer the floral thing that had once belonged to Sylvana, but one made of black leather that was much more Sybil’s style. The velvet throw pillows on it matched the large cushions on the floor.

We were still building the perfect den together. It was an ongoing project, one I loved and would continue working on for years to come.

We were even planning to add more members to our little family, if we could. I’d gone back to the doctor and asked him to undo the snip. The procedure had an extremely high success rate with shifters, since we healed so easily. We’d been trying to get pregnant for a month now, but nothing yet.

“Man, I’m exhausted.” Sybil sprawled out on the couch.

“Well, if you’re too tired, we can have more baby-making adventures tomorrow.”

She narrowed her gaze at me. “I’m notthattired.”

I laughed.

“Actually, before we do that, I have something for you.” She reached under the couch and brought out a gift bag stuffed with pink and blue tissue paper.

I took it from her, frowning. I hadn’t expected a gift and hadn’t bought her one. “Thank you,” I said, taking the bag from her. “But I thought we agreed it’s my job to giveyoupresents.” She gave me the gift of happiness every single day.

She grinned. “Well, technically, you did.”

I didn’t follow, but I untied the ribbon on the bag anyway.

I fumbled around in the tissue paper for a moment, then my hands shook as I took out the little piece of plastic. “Is this what I think it is?” I asked, staring at the double blue lines.

“I’ve been dying to say something all weekend, but I figured you’d want to find out when we were alone.” Sybil beamed at me. “Congratulations, Daddy.”

“We’re going to be parents,” I said, stunned.

My whole life, I’d thought this was something I’d never have, something I didn’t deserve. But then I met Sybil, and she’d changed everything. There were happy tears in her eyes too, and I knew everything was going to work out.

“I love you, Kitten.” I put the bag down, hauled my mate into my lap, and kissed her.

“I love you too,” she replied when I finally let her take a breath. “But does this mean we’re not trying anymore? I kind of enjoy it.”

“Only kind of?” I asked, raising a brow.

“Okay, maybe a lot. I enjoy it a lot.”

I grinned. “Don’t worry, Kitten, I plan on fucking you every chance I have from now until forever.”



She smirked, looking every inch the mischievous witch I knew her to be. “Then prove it!”

I scooped her into my arms and headed for our bedroom.

“My pleasure.”

