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“These ones aren’t quite as ornate, but the diamonds are absolutely flawless. The simple design helps show off the superior clarity and fire.” She noticed I hadn’t taken my eyes off the solitaire. She handed it to me. “Here. Try it on.”

I did. I held it up to the light, smiling so hard that my cheeks started to ache. Despite the size of the diamond, it looked perfect on my hand. Just enough of the vine detail peeked out from under the stone.

“Beautiful choice,” Mindy rattled off all the stats for the diamond.

I had no idea what all the letters and numbers meant, but Gunnar was nodding thoughtfully, so they must mean something to him.

“It’s perfect,” Gunnar said, his eyes on me instead of the ring. “We’ll take it. But I’m choosing the wedding bands.”

I grinned at him. “Go ahead.”

He chose a thick platinum eternity ring with three rows of diamonds for himself and a thinner, single-row version for me.

“Wonderful!” Mindy clapped her hands, looking positively giddy. “I’ll get these sized for you and courier them over as soon as I can. I’ll put a rush on them and you’ll get them by the end of the day.”

A slight movement at the window caught my attention, and I tried to look natural as Gunnar’s brother took the picture that we’d “leak” later. How long had he been standing there? I hated photos. Somehow, I always managed to have triple or quadruple chins in them, no matter how good I thought I looked in real life. Honestly, at this point, I’d be happy for a photo with just two chins.

As Mindy and Gunnar finished up the purchase, I walked around the store, staying well away from the window, looking at all the pretties on display.

We left the shop and drove back to the penthouse, where Tansy and Shelby were waiting for me. They’d insisted on helping me with my dress. Shelby was a seamstress who did mostly custom work for those with extra curves and she had a bunch of samples for me to try. They probably wouldn’t fit me as is, but she could easily alter them, especially with Tansy’s magic to help speed the process along.

“Apparently, I’m not allowed to see you in the dress until tomorrow,” Gunnar said with a roll of his eyes once he and I were in the private elevator leading up to the penthouse. “Don’t they understand that it’s not the dress itself I care about, but taking it off you later?”

My face heated at the thought of Gunnar undressing me, his huge hands exploring my skin as he peeled off the gown. I pressed my legs together, hoping he couldn’t sense or smell my arousal, or whatever gargoyles did to detect that.

No such luck.

Dragging my gaze up his body to his face, I caught a flash of pure need in his eyes. His neck and shoulders were corded with tension, like he was trying to keep himself in control. The control didn’t last long, however, and I quickly found myself pressed between the elevator wall and a whole lot of thick, hard muscle.

“Wrap around me,” he demanded as he lifted me up and guided my legs around his hips.

I wound my arms around the back of his neck and was reminded again just how freaking huge he was. Whatever glamour spell he used helped hide some of his mass, but now that I was pressed up against him, the illusion was broken. Just like every time he’d touched me before, I found myself drowning in a sea of lust and I clung to Gunnar like he was the only thing keeping me afloat. He consumed me with his mouth and lips, and I rolled my hips shamelessly, unable to stop myself.

An impossibly large bar had grown at the front of his pants, the tip of it pressing firmly against me. I released his mouth and tried to slide down his body for better access, kissing my way down his chiseled jawline.

“Please,” I whimpered, my face nuzzling his neck.

I’d wanted him from the very moment I saw him last night, and so far all I’d had were kisses. I wanted more. Needed more. Gunnar bucked his hips, rubbing up against me, the movement hitting my clit. Even through my jeans, it was ridiculously intense.

The ding of the elevator cut our make-out session frustratingly short. I stepped out into the hallway that served as the landing for the elevator and straightened my clothes as best I could, though I was sure I still had that “just kissed” look.

Shelby and Tansy greeted us in the foyer, and for a moment, I felt self-conscious. My hair was a mess, and my lipstick was probably all smeared. I glanced over at Gunnar: sure enough, there was a telltale streak of pinky-brown on his jaw.

The two women didn’t seem to notice, though, or if they did, they had the decency not to mention it. Shelby grabbed my elbow, pulling me from Gunnar.

“We’re stealing your wife-to-be for an hour. Go find something else to do,” she said as she bundled me through the door that led to her and Grayson’s suite.

“And no peeking!” Tansy added, stepping in behind us.

Chapter 8


“I’llgogettherest of your stuff,” I said to Lillian as she disappeared through the door to Grayson’s suite.

What I really wanted to do was take her to my room and have my wicked way with her. But I reminded myself that the wedding gown was a big deal to most women. And even if it wasn’t to her, if Lillian showed up tomorrow in any old dress, it might not be as believable, especially when The White Claws got news of our wedding.

The more beautiful and talk-worthy the better for our purposes. As it was, we weren’t going to have a proper reception, so we had to make the ceremony really count. After it was over, I planned on sticking aJust Marriedsign on my Hellcat and driving off.
