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“I see. And what about the rumors about you and this model?”

Grayson groaned, and Desmon pressed his lips into a thin line, trying to remain calm.

“Just that,” I answered. “A rumor and nothing more. Lillian has already grilled me on that. The kid is a bear shifter, and the rightful father is fighting for full custody.”

“Alright, fine. I know you’re doing this to help our Lily, so thank you. But I don’t care if it is just to fool those stuck-up snow leopards. If you break her heart, I won’t care if you’re a gargoyle; I know kung fu.”

There was a cackle from just off-screen from his wife. “Tai chi is not kung fu, honey.”

Something blocked the camera. “Whatever, same thing!”

“What are you going to do? Slow motion him to death?” his wife asked.

“You’re supposed to back me up, woman.”

There was even more laughing. “Okay, I’ll get the cast iron frying pan. That will do more damage.”

“Fine, fine. You might be right.”

Desmon made a small strangled sound like he was trying not to laugh. I grinned. Lillian’s parents really did care about her. I was glad she was raised in such a fun and loving household.

“You don’t have to worry about me breaking her heart, sir,” I said as Lillian’s father took his hand off the camera, deciding not to burst his bubble and tell him that blocking the camera did not also block the sound. “Honestly, I’m more worried about her breaking mine.” And I knew it was true even as I said it. What happened when Lillian didn’t need me anymore? “When The White Claws are no longer a threat, I wish to start at the beginning with Lillian and date her properly.”

Her dad held his hand up. “If you’re about to ask for my approval, don’t. I won’t give it. And you don’t want it, anyway.”

“Why not?”

Lillian’s mom poked her head into the frame. “Because our Tiger Lily has never done anything we wanted her to do. Ever.”

“That’s right,” her dad agreed. “You want us toforbidher to see you after this is all over and done with. Then you won’t be able to get rid of her. She’ll be stuck to you like glue.”

Desmon cleared his throat. “Maybe it would be best if we just let the relationship take its natural course?”

“Oh! You’re the dragon. I saw you on the internet,” Lillian’s mom said. “Wow, honey, we’re talking to a dragon.”

Just then, Tansy walked back in. “Okay, chop chop, everyone, we need to get this show on the road. Seth just took down two drones those idiot photographers tried to send into the courtyard. They’re in your garden shed, by the way, Desmon.”

Seth was Tansy’s long-lost but recently-found brother. Well, technically, Tansy had been the lost one. Seth and his demon partner, Liam, were responsible for many of the wards set up around the dragon’s abode. Seth was particularly strong because he dabbled both in wizardry and witchcraft, two disciplines that rarely met in the middle.

Tansy took the tablet from me. “Lillian’s all ready. The stage is yours…and yours.” She looked first at me, then at Desmon.

I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and marched out into the courtyard. The place was decorated with more flowers than you could shake a stick at. Iris must have had a blast. The green witch sat with Shelby on one side of her and her husband Alex on the other. Grayson went to take the seat next to his mate.

Desmon and I continued to the arch they had set up in front of the fountain. The arch was also covered in greenery and blooms. The music started, and Lillian walked out from behind a set of curtains.

She was ravishingly gorgeous. It knocked all the air right out of me. I swallowed hard, not believing how perfect she looked, like something straight out of my dreams. Her dress, which hugged her upper body and showed off her beautiful curves, flared out like a fish tail behind her.

But it was the look on her face when she caught sight of me that really took my breath away. That radiant smile was genuine, and her eyes shone with excitement for the future, for our future.

This image would be indelibly etched into my mind for the rest of my life, and I knew that I had to do everything in my power to keep her forever. No other woman could ever come close to replacing her, ever, nor would I want them to. Lillian was it.

Holy fuck. This was it: the moment monsters waited for their whole lives. I’d found my mate.

I’d always had doubts about the mate phenomenon. Like, who could possibly fall in love that fast? Insta-love wasn’t realistic. Everyone must have been exaggerating.

But here I was, eating my fucking words, because there she was, standing in front of me, everything I never knew I wanted.

Desmon stopped talking and everyone’s eyes were on me expectantly. Shit. I’d been so transfixed on Lillian that I hadn’t been paying attention. I was supposed to repeat what he had just said. He took pity on me and said the lines again. I repeated after him, finally ending with, “I do.”
