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“So Mr. Bentley Man is calling for you and his missing lackeys. I don’t know how they managed to enter the elevator and get it moving—I called down to Brandon and he swears he didn’t let them in—but it alerted us to the intrusion right away. We have them trapped in there for now.”

I doubted it was Brandon. He’d been working at the front desk for the last ten years and knew us well.

“Could they possibly have a copy of the keycard?” Even as I asked it, I knew they wouldn’t.

“Wait, what’s that device in his hand?” Lillian asked.

One of the guys was holding something to the elevator’s card reader, but nothing happened.

“They must have something that scrambles it,” Grayson said. “What should we do with them?”

“Anyone up at the penthouse?”

“Eamon and Tansy are out.”

“That’s perfect.Officer Eamon,can you kindly meet our new friends downstairs and confiscate that device? Tell them it’s illegal. I doubt they know our laws.”

“Um, but isn’t impersonating an officer a crime?” Lillian asked.

“What are they going to do?” I asked. “Tell the police they were breaking into an apartment when they were approached by a fake cop?”

Lillian chuckled. “Good point.”

“Eamon’s not going to be happy to cut their outing short,” Grayson said. “But that’s probably the best idea.”

“Wait. Eamon and Tansy don’t need to cut anything short. If no one needs to use the elevator, then just lock them in there until Eamon and Tansy finish what they need to do. They can wait. That’s what they get for trying this shit.”

I grinned. “That’s a wonderful idea.”

“What about the guy calling?” Grayson asked. “He seems to be the one in charge.”

“Set up a meeting with him tomorrow at noon at the office. We’ll meet with him then.”

I couldn’t help but notice when Lillian stiffened next to me. I reached over and put a comforting hand on the small of her back.

“Got it,” Grayson said before hanging up.

“You’ll be fine,” I murmured when it was just us two again. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

The last few days had shown me a life I never knew I could have. If they wanted her, they were going to have to tear her from my cold, dead hands.

Chapter 20


“Dr.Sheniswaitingin the office now.” Eamon rolled his eyes. “Did you know Shen literally means snow leopard in a certain Tibetan dialect? But of course the last name has several other meanings, none of which have anything to do with big cats of any type.”

“Of course.” I rolled my eyes.

“They really do enjoy hiding in plain sight, don’t they?” Gunnar remarked.

It was stupid, really. The equivalent of a wolf shifter calling himself Mr. Wolfe. But considering how much influence The White Claws had, it made sense that they wouldn’t worry too much about hiding their identity these days. And anyone claiming there were such things as big cat shifters before the fall of The Wall would’ve been sent to the looney bin.

Eamon turned the screen toward us so we could quickly read Dr. Shen’s resume. The older man was well-educated, with degrees from both Cambridge and Tsinghua Universities. He was publicly affiliated with plenty of large multinational corporations and not-so-publicly with other less desirable groups.

I was a bundle of nerves, and it must have shown because Gunnar cupped my cheek, forcing me to look at him.

“Everything is going to be fine. You are mine now, and I’ll never let them take you.”
