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Shen and Pao. These snow leopards really did hide in plain sight, using Asian languages’ many homonyms to their advantage. Pao could, depending on how you said it, also mean to explode, to wrap, a bun, or, if said in a lower inflection, to have a full stomach…ugh. Could you tell why I never felt compelled to become proficient at the language? The Pao next door could be a baker…or a snow leopard shifter…or, surprise! A snow leopard baker! Brain hurty.

“Your current home is nice, and thegargoyle”—oh my God, that tone again!—“has done well for himself, but Mr. Pao owns penthouses in several similar or better buildings in Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, London, and New York.”

He’d gone from ordering me to marry some guy I didn’t know to trying to sell another one to me like an investment.Look what your womb could buy you! Just pop out a few snow leopard babies, and you, too, could be living the high life!I had no words.

“I’m aware you have spent most of your life here—”

“All of my life, since before I can remember.” I hadn’t left American soil since I arrived here as a baby.

“Mr. Pao spends considerable time in New York. If you wish to stay in the States to be closer to your adoptive parents, I’m sure Mr. Pao will be amenable to the idea. We understand the importance of family ties, even if not forged from blood. Kang was raised with traditional values, and with his business ventures well-established, he is now ready to focus on family.

“He understands that sacrifices are needed to make a relationship work. There are no prenups amongst snow leopard shifters because none are needed. From my understanding, it is this way in most shifter cultures.” He grinned slyly. “But a quick search shows Mr. Redrock seems to, shall we say, get around, so I understand the appeal of one.”

Gunnar’s thigh, which was pressed against my own, tensed. That was completely unfair: he was straight-up making digs at Gunnar now.

“I’m not interested. I’m not with Gunnar because of his money.” To be fair, I’d initially lusted after just his body, but that wasn’t the case anymore.

“Well, the offer is on the table. We’ll give you two weeks to weigh the pros and cons before we extend the offer to another. Who knows, you might change your mind. You have my number.”

He said it like he was doing me a favor.

“I won’t be changing my mind, but thank you.”

“Since there is nothing else to say, I think we are done here.” Gunnar didn’t sound at all amused. He stood, causing the two behind Dr. Shen to do so the same. “Dr. Shen, I wish you and your associates a wonderful stay in Darlington.”

And with that, the meeting was over. I didn’t relax until we were upstairs in the penthouse and surrounded by my new friends.

I handed the ridiculously expensive bag back to Eamon, glad I hadn’t wrecked it in the time I’d had it in my possession. “Do you think he’s really giving me a choice? Or do you think I’m going to be kidnapped the moment no one’s looking?”

“I think The White Claws now believe you to be not worth the effort, unless you were to go along willingly,” Eamon said. “Though I’m not sure what they would do if you and Gunnar suddenly divorced. I think you’re stuck with Gunnar for a while.”

“Nah,” I said. “More like he’s stuck with me!”

Gunnar seemed to relax for the first time since Dr. Shen started telling me all about Kang Pao’s merits. I smiled to myself.

Squee! I think he likes me!

Chapter 21


IgotGraysontocover me on my weekly yacht trip gig with the businessman who seemed convinced a mermaid was going to rise up from the depths and drag him under for something he did decades ago. That was one of my easiest recurring jobs, considering he was boating on a freaking lake and not the ocean. But he was willing to pay big bucks for me to stand on his yacht for a few hours, and I wasn’t going to be the one to tell him mermaids didn’t frequent fresh bodies of water.

With my schedule cleared, I planned a week exploring the city with my new wife. Our first stop was the Darlington Conservatory: given her obsession with tropical plants, I knew she was going to love it. I’d even set up a decoy for the paparazzi on the other side of the city. By the time the photographers realized their mistake, we’d be well on our way to dinner.

I knew how self-conscious she was about cameras, and I’d deliberately planned the day so she’d face them as little as possible. But that wasn’t quite enough.

I went over to knock on Eamon’s door, and Tansy greeted me, a special charm dangling from her hand on the fine gold chain I’d picked up at the jewelry store.

“This should do it,” she said, handing it to me. “I’ve never crafted something like this before, though, so you might want to test it out first.”

“Thanks. I owe you one.”

I returned to the main foyer to find Lillian all ready to go. She had on the cutest leaf print dress that hugged her curves. It flared out mid-thigh and swished around her when she walked. She’d paired the wholesome dress with a mean pair of black thigh-high boots. The combination worked, somehow making her both edgy and cute at the same time.

I held up the necklace.

“I’ve got a little something for you. Well, Tansy cast the spell on it, but I bought the necklace.”
