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What the actual hell? That wasn’t what I’d intended to say at all. I took a good look at her, but she was human as far as I could tell. Was she using witchcraft? But why?

“Interesting. Are you and Gunnar really together?”

This time, I kept my mouth firmly shut, not trusting what would come out if I opened it. I hurried out of the bathroom, leaving the woman behind. A feeling of misgiving filled me as I walked swiftly back to the table.

“What’s wrong?” Gunnar, sensing my discomfort, stood and gathered me into his arms.

I told the group what had happened and looked around the pub for the woman, but she was nowhere to be seen.

“What did she look like?” Tansy asked.

“She was…” I searched my memory, but all the details had disappeared from my brain. Weird. “I can’t remember. When I try to recall her face, it’s just a blank. If I hadn’t told you guys right away, I’m not sure I’d even remember it happened at all.”

Even now, I could almost believe I’d only imagined it.

“A forget spell.” Tansy made a concerned face. “What did she ask you again?”

“She asked if…oh my God, I don’t remember.” Panic infused my body. I’d just told everyone; how could I possibly have forgotten already? What the fuck?

Tansy stood and looked around, but found nothing. She took out her phone and recorded herself recounting my story. “Just in case we start forgetting too,” she said.

“I’m glad you told us right away,” Gunnar said. “I’ll ask you again after the spell has had some time to dissipate, maybe you’ll remember more then.” He looked around the pub but shrugged. “I don’t sense any danger. Let’s go.”

We said our goodbyes and headed out for the short walk to the Pint of No Return.

Levi looked relieved to see me. “Lillian! You’re alive and not kidnapped!” He gave Gunnar a curt nod before focusing back on me. “What can I get for you?”

“Rum and coke for me today.” I didn’t want to mess with mixing drinks. I found it was always safer to stick with one type of booze a night.

Levi got me my rum and coke and Gunnar a whiskey on the rocks, and gestured for us to take the two seats at the far end of the bar since it was more private.

He turned to Gunnar. “Thanks for going after her that night. I knew those guys were up to no good.”

Gunnar only grunted.

“I read about what’s happening, Lillian. You could’ve told me you were in trouble, you know.” He did that thing where he cleaned an already clean portion of the bar while we talked. “I would’ve married you to stop them.” There was a look, something in his eyes I hadn’t noticed until just now.


He liked me.

I mean, I always knew he did. But not likethat. I always thought he liked me like a kid sister—and an annoying kid sister at that, who only knew how to complain. No matter the issue, whether it was a breakup, having to deal with Holly at work, or just a shitty week, I’d ended up here over the years to have a drink and unwind. Levi had always been there for me.

A low growl started rumbling in Gunnar’s throat, and I put a hand on his arm to calm him.

Levi stuck his hands up in surrender. “Hey man, I’m not going to poach your woman. She came in here smiling today. That’s a good thing, if you ask me. Keep her happy, and we’re fine.” He turned back to me. “It was my fault. I was slow on the draw. Several years too slow. And then you swore off shifters.”


The next words were directed squarely at Gunnar. “But if you make her cry, Gargoyle, you’ll quickly learn why the ancient Egyptians associated us with death and the afterlife.”

The two stared at each other for a long moment as I prayed that a fight wasn’t about to break out over this. I liked Levi, and I’d had no idea he felt that way about me. I didn’t even have his number. But looking back… Well, I understood now why they said hindsight was 20/20.

Levi moved away to serve two women who were dressed to impress. When he returned, it was like nothing had happened between him and Gunnar and he was telling us all about the pub’s upcoming Christmas Around the World party, something I attended almost every year.

I was glad they weren’t going to duke it out or anything. That was the last complication I needed.

Chapter 23
