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I thought he was pretty spectacular, too. He was fun, but still a hard worker. Possessive, but still gave me freedom to grow. And it didn’t hurt that to me he was hot as hell. I didn’t care what others thought of him: in my books, he was the ultimate catch.

It wasn’t long before he had me relaxed, my head tipping back to lean against him. The height of my chair meant my head ended up rolling right over his crotch.


I started to lift my head, but Gunnar’s hand slid to my throat, grabbed it firmly, and pressed me back against him. I reached up and stroked the enormous bulge tenting his pants lazily.

“Is this how you want me to distract you, little cat?” His voice was husky as his cock stiffened next to my head.

I inhaled sharply as fiery tendrils of lust started in my belly.

All I managed to get out was a whimpered “yes” when he released my throat. He spun my chair around with me still on it and stepped in between my legs. He undid his belt, and suddenly I was face-to-face with the world’s most perfectly sculpted, gorgeously veiny cock.

I looked up at my hunk of a husband, hardly believing that he was all real, and all mine.

His hands tangled into my hair. “Open wide, Kitten.”

I did, savoring the taste of him as he invaded my mouth. There was nothing else but him. He might have been a fake fiancé, but our happy ever after was very, very real.



IspunLillianaroundbefore dipping her low. Her gorgeous green dress swirled around us as we danced. The Darlington Christmas Monster Bash…er, Ball…was a yearly mainstay in our Yuletide traditions.

I used to hate big, glitzy events like these where I had to wear a tux, preferring the more casual parties. Tuxes and I didn’t get along well. The pants and jacket, custom-tailored to fit around my tail and wings, were too restrictive. But for Lillian, I’d endure wearing it twice a year, once for the Charity Gala and again for the Christmas Bash.

She was just as mesmerizingly beautiful as she’d been the first Christmas we were here, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Even the exquisitely decorated ballroom paled in her presence.

The song changed, and I led Lillian to the dessert buffet at the back. While we were dancing, I noticed they’d brought out a tower piled high with cupcakes, and I planned on snatching at least one of each flavor. We returned to our table, struggling to balance our plates overflowing with mouthwatering treats.

Lillian had her mouth full of cream puff when the notification pinged from her phone. She glanced at the screen and frowned. “It’s Mom.”

We’d left our son, Gideon, with her parents for the weekend. They’d moved to Darlington shortly after Gideon was born. They were technically retired, though her mom still sometimes took substitute teaching jobs at the local high school.

Her brows furrowed as she showed me the first image.

It was a cushion. Well, it had been one. It was now a few shreds of torn fabric, barely stopping the stuffing from exploding out. The next image was the couch. Except now, it had very distinctive claw marks on it. Tiny claw marks.

Gideon! That little rascal!

He looked very much like me when I had my glamor spell on, so in effect, a human version of me, except for the wings. He had gargoyle wings, though we’re not sure if they were functional yet. It was kind of like Lillian being only able to make mittens.. I didn’t mind that he wasn’t a full gargoyle like me. Since my brothers and I had been carved from stone and made living through magic, it was already a blessing that we could procreate at all.

“I guess Gideon can make mittens too,” Lillian said with a laugh. “I feel bad for Mom and Dad. And their furniture. We should replace that couch. It is really old; they bought it to replace the one I’d ruined.”

“Maybe we should offer a raincheck on that until he gets old enough to control his mittens,” I suggested, thinking about the potential future damage to the couches back home at the penthouse.

Lillian shot her parents back a message as I stuffed the pistachio and raspberry cupcake into my mouth in one go and chewed.

The phone chimed again just as Lillian was about to put it away. Lillian’s jaw dropped.

On the screen was not a boy with paws but a snow leopard kitten, fully formed from ears to tail. And no wings at all. He looked pissed off and ready to swipe at the camera. Gideon had a bit of a temper; he got his spiciness from his mother. Okay, maybe a bit from me as well.

“Would you look at that,” I said after swallowing the raspberry goodness. “He can do a full shift. Your granddad is going to be ecstatic. He might even come and visit.”

“A half gargoyle, with wings, but nothing else, who can shift into a snow leopard.” Lillian shook her head and took a sip of her coffee. “Has that combo ever happened before?”

I shrugged. “Who knows? But with all the crazy combinations we’ve been seeing in the years since The Wall fell, it probably won’t be that strange in the near future.”
