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My whole body shivers.

“Merry Christmas, August,” I whisper back.

I hope it’s one of many together, only next year, I hope we’re waking up in the same bed.

“Who wants a present?” Mom says as she picks one up.

I slide my hand into August’s and smile.

I don’t need any presents this Christmas.

I have my soulmate.

And that’s all I need.



One Year Later…

“You look nervous,” August says as he carries up the folding chairs and finds me stress-eating in the kitchen. I’m shoveling crackers into my mouth by the handful.

“You think?” I say as he leans the chairs against the wall and comes over.

“It’s Christmas,” he says with a warm smile.

“Exactly,” I say as my heart pounds. “All four of our parents are coming over with their spouses. I forgot to get my dad’s girlfriend a gift and the baby will be awake any minute and I’m not sure if this damn turkey is cooking or if it’s going to be raw in the middle when you slice it up!”

August wraps his big comforting arms around me and pulls me into his chest. My whole body goes slack as I melt into his embrace. I breathe in the wonderful smell of his cologne as he holds me tight.

I already feel better. I always do when I’m in August’s arms. He makes me feel like I can take on anything. Like I can conquer the world.

“I have a present that I forgot to give you,” he says as he cups my cheeks and looks into my eyes.

“Anotherone?” He already spoiled me rotten this morning.

“It’s a bottle of perfume,” he says with a smile. “I thought it would smell delicious on you, but we can give it to your dad’s girlfriend and I’ll buy you another one this week as soon as the stores open.”

“Really?” I ask, perking up. “It’s not called something sexual like Juicy Peach is it?”

“Juicy Peach?” he says with a chuckle. “No, it has a very respectable name.”

“Thank you,” I say, feeling better already.

“And as for our little one,” August continues. “I’ll set her up with her new presents when she wakes up. That should distract her for at least ten minutes.”

I laugh. “I think you’re a little too positive with that one.”

“And the turkey will be fine,” he says. “We defrosted it and followed the recipe exactly.”

“And if it isn’t?”

“It will be.”

“But if it isn’t?”

“Then, we’ll have frozen fish sticks.”
