Page 52 of Billionaire Boss

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“N-nothing bad, but he saw me with Damon. And he published the article, so we ran along with it,” I confessed, telling a white lie and hoping it would cover up the big elephant in the room.

That we both smelled like each other’s perfume and Damon’s hair was ruffled more than usual.

“Who’s this Garrett?” Cillian asked.

“My douchey ex-boyfriend who loved to spread rumors about me in high school, and now he gets paid for it,” I said with a grin.

“Do you want me to get rid of him?” Cillian asked casually, and my heart dropped.

“If she wants someone gone, I can do that too,” Damon replied, glaring at Cillian.

I sometimes wondered if these men were okay. I shared a look with Emma. She squeezed his hand and looked at both of us. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. I know you’d tell me if anything happened between you two, but the thought is so hilarious because you were venting about how much you hate Da—”

“Emma,” I forced a smile, glaring at her. “We get it.”

“Yeah.” She cleared her throat. “So, anyway, I also came here because we wanted to tell you something.”

Damon’s eyes hardened and glaring at Cillian, he said coldly, “Don’t tell me you got my sister pregnant.”

Cillian smirked. “What if I did?”

Damon stood up. “What the fuck?”

Emma rubbed her forehead and gave her boyfriend a look. “Damon, he’s sterile.”

Cillian’s smirk widened while Damon became angrier.

“Guys, can we tame down some of that testosterone and hear what Emma has to say?” I asked, tugging Damon’s hand until he sat down.

“Thank you, Summer.” She smiled at me and showed me the pretty bracelet on her wrist. “Cillian gave this to me last week.”

“Oh, it’s really pretty!”

Damon grunted.

Emma continued, smiling brightly and looking at Cillian, who had a small smile on his lips. “In Korean tradition, they don’t always give a ring to propose, but they give any expensive jewelry, and Cillian gifted me this.”

I looked at them and gasped, covering my mouth. “Oh my god, Emma!”

I stood up and hugged her as both of our eyes glistened with tears. “I’m so happy for you!” I squealed and hugged her tighter. “I’ve always rooted for you both.”

“Shush, you only did that so you could ship me with my bodyguard.”

I pulled back and grinned at her. “You know it. But hey, it looks like you guys got your happily ever after!”

“There’s no happily ever after when you have to do taxes,” Cillian grumbled, but at least he sounded happy.

“Congratulations,” Damon said, his voice emotionless, but if I looked closely enough, I could see some happiness gleaming in his gray eyes.

“Thank you, Damon,” Emma said, accepting a hug from her brother.

I wiped a tear, seeing them and how happy my best friend looked. She deserved someone like Cillian, who would scowl at everyone but her and protect her.

“Summer,” Emma whispered as the men chatted in one-word sentences. “Who gave you that hickey?”

“A what?” I asked, my eyes wide as I touched my neck.

What the fuck, Damon? You had one job!
