Page 61 of Billionaire Boss

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I hummed. “That’s a good question and even though both relationships ended on bad terms… I don’t regret loving either of them.”

“Not even that douchebag with the stache?” he asked in a dry voice.

I chuckled and shook my head. “No. Not really. I am not scared of being in love because at the end of the day, I opened my heart to someone, and if they broke my trust, then it’s on them. Not me.”

He sighed and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. “You’re too trusting, Summer. And too optimistic. What if someone takes advantage of that?”

I shrugged, thinking about Carol, my bio mom. “It’s okay. I know in my heart that I did the right thing, but the person didn’t deserve it, so I moved on. Life is too short not to fall in love.”

Damon kept looking at me, and I held my breath when he leaned closer. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered. His stormy gray eyes felt like a whirlwind, and all of a sudden, I felt really shy.

“Yes, kiss me,” I replied, squeezing his hand when he closed the distance between us and claimed my lips in a soft kiss.

This kiss was different. Most of our kisses were passionate, hungry and rough. But this kiss… He was so gentle. His soft, pliant lips moving against mine with his warm breath caressing my cheek. It felt brilliant.

It felt like lo—

I pulled away and said, “Let’s go to your car.”

He blinked at me and pulled back enough that I could think. “What happened?”

I swallowed. “I’m just really horny.”

He raised our entwined hands to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. “Whatever you wish.”

I looked away and blinked when the water dropped on my cheek. Soon showering rain started, but thankfully we reached his car without uttering any words or getting soaked.

Before he could sit in the front, I pulled him on the back seat and straddled his lap, kissing him. I made sure the kiss was rough, passionate and hungry, moaning into his mouth and grinding him.

“Right here?” he asked, inching my dress high and kissing my neck.

“Yes,” I gasped when he kissed down my neck to my chest. “Fuck me now, Damon.”

He looked at me from his long lashes, his hair damp, and asked, “No role-play?”

I shook my head, and holding his hand, I brought it between my legs. “Make me cum again,” I said, my voice breathy when he did what I asked, rubbing my pussy until I was soaking his fingers.

I made a quick work of removing his belt and shoving down his boxers, pulling out his hard cock and lining it against my slit.

“Fuck, Summer,” he groaned, holding my waist and pulling me away, so I sat on his thigh. “Calm down.”

I scrunched my hands on his shirt, his suit jacket on the car floor as he leaned close and kissed me, slowly. Too slow. He was being too gentle.

He unzipped my dress and tugged it off as rain pattered on the roof of his car. It seemed like we were in our cocoon as he took his time, removing my bra and kissing my breasts. Licking and biting each nipple until I was panting for him, riding his thigh.

“Yeah, does that feel good?” he asked, his voice gravelly, watching me ride his thigh. I was naked while he was fully clothed, his expensive watch shining in the dark. “Ride my thigh hard, love. Make yourself cum.”


I squeezed my eyes shut, but he was stubborn and he wrapped his hand around my neck. “No, keep your eyes on me and grind my thigh. Look at me when you cum,” he whispered, touching my bottom lip. I bit his thumb before sucking it in my mouth and rode his thigh as he watched me with heady eyes.

I came quickly, trembling in his arms, and before I knew it, he was rubbing the leaking tip of his cock against my sensitive sex and inching inside.

“Fuck.” We cursed together when he filled me up, my pussy stretching around his thick girth.

“You feel so fucking good, Summer,” he moaned, the sound so euphoric that it made my toes curl.

“You fill me up so good.” I whimpered when he moved, raising my hips and slowly riding me on his cock. Topping me from the bottom.
