Page 63 of Billionaire Boss

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“Regret that one-night stand or whatever we have going on.”

She didn’t reply, her eyes looking anywhere but at me, and I wished I could stop her and hear her reply, but she got out of the car. “I’m sorry, I have to go.”

She left without an umbrella in the thundering rain, leaving me without an answer.

Maybe the silence was her answer after all.

I closed my eyes and laid my head on the steering wheel. It was getting too overwhelming.

Sighing, I changed the gear and reared my car. At least I have a cute black cat to go back home to.

Next morning, I woke up with a small headache and I ignored it as I opened the door to the basement that I had renovated into an in-house gym. Void followed me and sniffed one dumbbell before losing interest and strolling over to his cat tree that I had installed by the windows so he could look at the garden.

“Do you think she’s fine?” I asked him after finishing three sets of squats and wiping down my sweat.

Void blinked at me and started cleaning his butt.

“Yeah, I thought so too.” I nodded. “Good talk.”

I was definitely going crazy if I was talking to my cat about a relationship problem.

I finished my workout and started sprints on the treadmill. Maybe I can call her, ask if she’s okay. Or I could text her, to not sound so desperate. What if she didn’t make it back home? What if she—

I snapped out of my mind when I realized that the treadmill was too fast while my head was in the clouds. I couldn’t stop it in time and I fell off with a loud thud. I winced, rubbing my forehead as Void stood up, his eyes wide and staring at me as if I was responsible for waking him up from his nap.

“Sorry, I fell off the treadmill,” I replied, sitting up and wiping my hands.

He meowed at me before circling around his warm spot and sitting down.

“Yes, I’ll call her,” I said, stopping the treadmill and dialing her number. I paced around when it kept ringing and she didn’t pick up. I glared at the phone and called her again.

When she didn’t pick up on the sixth call, I decided to give up, but finally, she picked up on my seventh call.

“Summer?” I asked.

I heard some shuffling on the other side and a raspy ‘Hello?’ Someone coughed, and I checked the caller ID again. I had called Summer.

“Summer, are you okay?” I asked, worried she was sick.

“No,” she croaked. “I’m dying.”

“What the fuck?” I barked, hurrying to grab my car keys, and stopped. I smelled like sweat and cat hair. If she was sick, being around me would be the last thing she’d want. I threw a random tee shirt and pants, still hearing some shuffling on the other side. “Hello? Summer, are you there?”

“Y-yes. Void. Void will get all my assets,” she said, her voice groggy. “Goodbye, cruel world.”

“Shut the fuck up and keep breathing. I’ll be there in fifteen—no, ten.”

She had already ended the call. I wanted to call her back and scold her, but there wasn’t enough time.

It took me twelve minutes and fifty-seven seconds to reach her place. I stopped by the pharmacy to pick up some medicines, and at the grocery store for some vegetables because I didn’t think she’d have any food.

I glared at the mold growing on the entrance of the small building and glared harder at the burly men sitting out in wife beaters. I was sure they were staying there for the shelter of the almost abandoned building, since all the tenants had already left. I walked past them and climbed to the second floor. The wooden stairs were so wobbly that it should have been a living hazard.

I knocked on the door, and when she didn’t open it, I barged in since it was unlocked. The place was a mess. The wall was peeling with holes in it, and even though it was unlivable, the owner had decorated it with lots of plants, fake flowers and art prints. Candles were on every surface, and it looked warm and cozy.

Unfortunately, my concern was more than my anger, so I closed the door behind me and took two steps to reach Summer. Who was lying on the... bed? I didn’t know what it was, but at least she wasn’t sleeping on the floor.

“Summer?” I tried to wake her up, but she didn’t move. I turned her on her back and gently pushed her hair away from her face to check her body temperature. As expected, her forehead was burning.
