Page 31 of Carols and Consent

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And Big Doug, as he’s called by the kids, did a fabulous job on keys for the musical numbers, even seamlessly helping the kid who mixed up his lyrics get back on track.

I’m doubled over my belly laughing as Jack wraps up about one of the little boys who came crying to him that someone had stepped on his kazoo. Jack saved the day with duct tape.

They’re going to make great dads. And maybe sooner rather than later.

Intense pain shoots through my midsection. I’ve been having Braxton Hicks, but this is more intense.

Travis rubs my back. “And we couldn’t have done any of this without Aurora. Shall we go celebrate?”

I lift up and meet his eyes. “Sorry to force a change of plans, but we better go to the hospital.”

My mom laughs. “Honey, you always know how to steal the show.”

The guys help me into the SUV and our parents follow us to the hospital.

Between contractions, I say, “You guys did amazing tonight.”

Calvin meets my eyes in the rear-view mirror. “We never could have done that without you. Love you, Aurora.”

And we live happily ever after!
