Page 15 of Celebrated Love

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Bowen reaches over and puts his hand on my knee while he chuckles under his breath. “It’s going to be fine, Aster,” his voice is soothing. When I glance at him, he smirks while keeping his eyes on the road, “Do I need to make you come again and calm you down?”

“No,” I practically shout, and it makes him laugh harder. I clear my throat and tilt my chin upward. “I mean, I’m good. Thank you.”

He gives my knee a squeeze and I can feel the amusement coming off him. I can only roll my eyes and try to get myself under control. It’s not as big of a deal as I think it is, I get it. It won’t change anything either.

It’s just that coming out of the shell I had burrowed deep within has been a process. I’ve been getting better though, and Ifeelbetter because of it. I didn’t even realize the impact of how much I had been isolating myself.

The other night I actually went out to The Goose with Taylor, Lark, Lana, Poppy, and a few other ladies. It was so much fun. I had kind of forgotten how much fun being out with friends for a girl’s night could be.

Bowen was there working, and it was hard not to keep my eyes on him the entire night. The ladies around the table were having a lot of fun teasing me about it too. Most of them are very happily married or in relationships and they had this knowing glint in their eyes that made me feel welcomed and seen.

Not only was I unable to tear my eyes away from him, but I also watched as women tried to flirt with him. It made me flush with anger, but he quickly rebuffed them. It was gratifying to see. It had me falling deeper in love with the man.

Then when his shift was done, he was at my door and kissing me until I couldn’t breathe. He carried me to bed without saying a word. There wasn’t really any need for them anyway; we could feel what was between us.

The town square is full of people once we arrive, and Bowen leads me to the gazebo with his arm around my shoulders. I let his warmth envelope me and settle me as I take in the lights and the eager smiles on the faces of the little ones as they wait patiently for a moment with Santa.

My students who are milling around wave at me and I give them a bright smile and wave right back. I even get some hugs as Bowen leads me through the throng of people to where Aurora is running a hot chocolate stand. The poor girl almost bounces right out of her boots when she sees me approaching with Bowen wrapped around me like someone is going to try and steal me right out of his arms.

“Hi Aster. Hi Bowen,” she chirps and then pretty much shoves hot chocolate in our hands.

I can only giggle and smile, something that doesn’t feel so foreign anymore. “I’m pretty sure the whole town is here,” I muse and Aurora nods excitedly.

She’s always a ball of energy. I used to find it a little exhausting, but it’s just part of who she is and I’m finding, as the shadows of my past recede, I can appreciate her love of life and the way she lives it even more.

Bowen kisses the side of my head and nods to a group of ladies who are standing and talking. “Go and catch up.”

I notice the men who belong to the women are standing close by, their heads together while they look around suspiciously at any other man who comes too close to the group. “Are you going to go over there and join the alpha brigade?”

He puffs out his chest and rumbles, “I’m a full-fledged member now, little Spark.”

I shake my head as Aurora presses her hand to her chest, her voice an awed whisper, “Little Spark. That is the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard.”

I stick my tongue out at her and head over to the ladies where I’m quickly pulled into the circle and hugged. It takes me a moment to assess if I like it or not. I shied away from touch for a long time, but I know these women aren’t a threat and that they are only welcoming me with open hearts and arms.

I relax even as I feel Bowen’s eyes on me. When I glance at him, he’s looking right at me in a way that has my pussy clenching and warmth flowing through me.

Taylor whispers in my ear, “So, you’re a goner for him, huh?”

I shuffle on my feet a little and give her a sheepish smile. “I really am.” I lower my voice a little and confess, “He tells me he loves me all the time. I haven’t said it back though.”

“Well, you better get on that missy,” Ida’s voice is really fucking loud from the other side of me, and I let out a small yelp of surprise. I swear the woman didn’t make any noise at all and came out of nowhere.

“Jeez, Ida,” I admonish her, “where did you come from?”

She laughs, the sound remarkably close to a cackle. “I was right over there,” she points without really looking which is a little suspicious. “I just came over to thank you for your help with the toy drive and tell you how excited I am to know you’ll help make it just as successful next year.”

I narrow my eyes at the woman, but I already know I’m done for. I’ll be helping next year, and I’ll make sure Bowen is right there with me. The mischief in her eyes tells me she knows she’s got me.

“Of course,” I resign myself to my fate and even though I might sound a little put out, I have a wide smile on my face.

“Now,” she pats my hand in that classic grandmother way she has about her, “you make sure that man knows how you feel about him. He’s a catch and an exceptionally good match for you if I do say so myself,” she sounds very smug.

Before I can say anything, she just winks at me before she floats away to scare the crap out of someone else. I can only shake my head as Taylor giggles and wraps her arm around my shoulders, the action full of affection.

“Watch out or she’ll work her magic on you one day,” I warn my friend.

Taylor’s eyes turn sad for a moment before she shakes her head. “I doubt it. She’s already tried with me, but I’m a lost cause.”
