Page 18 of Celebrated Love

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Still, I know my little Spark is right. We have too much stuff to get done today as it is. Tomorrow will be soon enough.

Then I need to find the perfect ring because there is no way I’m not going to make Aster my wife. But one thing at a time.

One day we’ll talk about kids again. I’m in no rush and neither is she. If it’s not something we decide to do, then that’s okay too. I’m more than happy with the life I have because I have my woman in my arms and her love in my soul.

Life and love come to you when you’re ready for it and it never gives you more than you’re capable of taking on. Even when you can’t see through the darkness. Even when you aren’t sure of what you’ll find on the other side.

I hold her tighter and kiss the top of her head because there is nowhere else that I’d rather be right now. This moment is ours and ours alone. The time will come soon enough when we share our joy and the people who love us will celebrate with us.




I smile as I look around at the women surrounding me, the glow kissing us from the lights on the huge gazebo in the town square which is decorated for Santa to bring the children of Sweetwater Valley a little more Christmas magic. They whisper in his ear about what they want for Christmas and his joyous, booming laughter carries on the crisp evening air.

It’s perfect.

Just like this last year has been.

I never knew I could find someone to share my life with like I share it with Bowen. I know bliss every single day because he walks beside me as we take on whatever life has in store for us. I know he is proud of me, and I turn that pride right back on him.

The love we have is special and it’s to be cherished.

It’s the same love most of the women surrounding me have found as well. When I look over, the men who love us aren’t far away, their eyes filled with humor as they watch us laugh and joke with each other.

I look a little closer and furrow my eyebrows together when I don’t see Bowen in the group. He was there just a moment ago. I could feel his eyes on me.

“Looking for someone in particular?”

I jump a little, turn toward Ida, and give her a pointed look that only has her laughing. The woman is still silent on her feet and still up to no good. I wouldn’t expect anything else from her.

She grabs my hand and holds it between both of hers. “You made this year’s toy drive the best it’s ever been. Thank you,” her voice is thick with emotion and her eyes get glassy with unshed tears.

“Thank you, Ida, for tricking me into volunteering last year. I don’t know where I’d be if you hadn’t.”

“I didn’t trick you,” she has the nerve to sound affronted even though we all know she did, in fact, trick me. Or manipulate me, at the very least.

I make a humming sound and she only smiles. “I was thinking,” she starts, and I know whatever she’s about to say is going to be big because of the serious look on her face, “I’m not getting any younger and I would really like to hand off the responsibility of the toy drive to someone younger. Someone who can ensure the kids around her are taken care of for years to come.”

“Ida,” I breathe, and she shakes her head.

“Just think about it.”

I find myself nodding mutely, hating the idea of Ida not being around to meddle in anyone’s life. I don’t think that is going to happen any time soon, but I can understand why she wants to pass on her legacy to someone else. I’m honored she would think of me.

And of course, I’ll do it because the toy drive is special. Not just because of the people it helps, but because it brought me the love of my life.

Ida gives my hand a squeeze and then she’s off, I’m sure to get someone else to do her bidding. I watch her walk away and smile as I shake my head. When I turn back to say something to the ladies, I gasp.

Because kneeling in front of me while holding a ring box in his hand is my Bowen.

He smiles at me, and his dimple comes out to make me feel weak in the knees. The man already is playing dirty, and he hasn’t even said a word.

“I’ve had this ring for almost a whole year,” he starts, and I glance at the ring and barely stop myself from ripping it out of the box and slipping it on because it’s beautiful and perfect, “and there were so many times I wanted to drop to my knee and ask you to marry me. I only waited because I know how special tonight is. One year ago, we showed up at this event and showed the town the light we found in each other. I wanted to celebrate this year by asking you a very important question.”

Bowen’s dad grumbles from close by, “Well, ask her already, the anticipation is killing me.”
