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“Hold position,” our pack leader commands through my earpiece. “Jett’s pulling your location on satellite.”

My blood pumps. I scan the streets. Plenty of big old trees and deserted rooftops.

Hope they have a sniper.

“Heat signatures show at least five inside,” Jett says in my ear. “Possibly more. We’re sending reinforcements.”

“Let’s do a head count.” I’d check my weapons, only I don’t have to. I have enough knives to take these assholes down three times over, two Glocks, and a partridge in a pear tree. (a.k.a. my back-up grenade).

“Vest?” Hunter asks.

I tap my Kevlar’d chest. “I’ll take the front. I know you love the back door.”

Hunter doesn’t laugh. He unstraps his gun and grabs my shirt, yanking me close. “I will kick your ass so hard if you go dark. Stay above water?”

“Sure, sure.” I brush off his hand but make no promises.

My blood sings.

Death calls.

While Hunter does his ninja shit, I walk straight to the front door. Stepping to the side of the doorframe, I knock with the butt of my Glock. “Who wants Thin Mints?”

A shotgun explodes.

The shot punches the boards, flaying the police tape.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets thunder, and the scent of gunpowder in the air sends me slipping down, down, down to my dark core, to the still, silent place inside me. Color fades from my vision.

Everything is shades of grey.

When I hear Hunter kick down the back door, I dive through the window.

Inside are four soon-to-be dead men.

I stab the guy within reach, world in slo-mo. His blood sprays, a brilliant red, streaking across the endless dark.

Three to go.

I don’t have to aim. Just squeeze the trigger.




Their bodies fall at the same time. My world’s black except for the dazzling red carpet pooling into the rotting floorboards.

Another shot rings in back.

“Backup!” Hunter yells, squeezing off a round of shots.

I bust through the hallway, into a blown-out kitchen where five more guys have Hunter pinned behind the doorframe.

I spot the knife a length before the tip pops my eyeball. Dodging, I duck the blow, feeling a short-lived line of fire on my cheek.
