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And I fucking pray she’s gone before my instincts go any more berserk.




While Atlas and Jett whisper their secrets, I feel like I’m boiling in oil, surrounded by sniff-happy alphas. The guy sitting in front of me keeps turning to stare and I can feel his rumble through my chair legs. His dry grass scent mixes with dozens of others, sending my brain into pheromone overload. Sweating, I fight the urge to roll under the desk.

“Lilah,” Atlas’s bark jolts me, and I dart to him like he has me on a bungee. “Let’s go. I’ll take you to Hunter.”

He leads me out, and I hate how I relax the second I’m absorbed into his orbit where his leather scent overpowers all the other noise in my nose. Just before the door swings closed, I glance back and catch Jett tracking us.

Tracking me.

He jerks his gaze away like he just got caught surfing porn. The kinky kind.

My feet stall instead of following Atlas.

I swear there’s something so familiar about Jett. He has the straightest nose, a little flat at the tip, with sharp cheekbones, and a a sharper chin. I’m too far away to see his eyes, but I know they glitter like galaxies.

Only I’ve never looked into Jett’s eyes, so I shouldn’t know.

How do I know that?

“See something you like?” Atlas asks, knocking me back to reality.

“Sorry,” I quickly apologize and look at my feet.

“You recognize him.”


“Jett. Do you remember him?”

Something stirs deep inside me, like worms at the bottom of a mud pit, but whatever memory’s lurking down there, it doesn’t bubble to the surface. “I don’t think so.”

He nods at my answer. “Come on. You shouldn’t be out in the halls.”

Atlas moves like he’s on a mission, but I swear he walks a little slower because I can actually keep up. He leads me to a huge gym filled with soft floor mats and paired alphas sparring hand-to-hand.

The nearest guy goes bug-eyed when he spots us. His partner isn’t quick enough to stop his jab and decks him in the face.

“Shit. Sorry, man,” he mutters before locking onto me in naked appraisal.

He’s big. Alpha. And I can’t tell if the stare’s about sex, violence, or pure curiosity.

I need him to look anywhere else.

Hunter guides two trainees in a slowed-down fight. He wears the same black camo as Atlas, marking them instructors or leaders, or whatever they are that makes me want to peel off every strip of cloth.

“Lilah?” Hunter turns to Atlas. “Why did you bring her here?”

I’ve been asking myself that same question.

Also, when can I leave?

The meeting’s over. We got the stupid ball invitation, and I have a mighty need for a dip in the ice-cold lake after spending the morning swimming in pheromones.
