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Finn clutches me like his dragon treasure, while Orion’s half in our laps, smoothing up and down my calf and whispering reassurances I can’t process while I’m sweating to death.

It’s the same push and pull.

I want to crawl inside them just as much as I want to jump out the window.

I’m stubborn enough to keep resisting.

But for how much longer?

I’m cracking.

Brittle with heat.

“Almost there.” Hunter watches the rearview mirror more than he watches the road we’re tearing down.

“Hurry.” I cradle my belly.

Atlas grips the bar in the front seat. Their eyes are wild and their jaws are tight, because the more I need, the more my scent calls them to answer.

I’m terrified they’ll listen to my pheromones instead of my words. “Please. Just don’t…”

“Never.” Jett sits in the middle row. His hair fell out during the fight. With blood on his cuffs and a crooked tie, he’s a delicious mess. His voice softens to the one I haven’t heard since JJ disappeared. “We’ll never do anything you don’t want.”

I shiver.

“Of course we won’t,” Orion murmurs.

Finn rumbles. “Tell me what you need.”

Their care wears me down.

Sandpaper, grinding away layer after Lilah layer.

I’m weak in Finn’s arms, but it’ll be worse if I let go. “Just hold on.”

“Forever.” His rumble against my skin cools the heat.

When we hit Wyvern Clinic, Doctor Morgan waits in front of the ER with a team of masked-up nurses.

“Get her in a room,” she barks.

The nurses reach for me, but Finn snaps at a beta’s hand.

“For the love—” Doctor Morgan growls. “Then carry her. Hurry.”

Finn hauls me into a room, and nurses flurry, taking my vitals and my blood. All the while, I’m sweating, trying to ignore the ache made worse by hovering Wyverns.

I can taste them.

After long enough to sweat through my dress, Doctor Morgan has a verdict. “It’s just a spike. Let’s get you transferred to one of the nesting suites. You’ll feel more comfortable if you’re eased, but at this level, you should still be able to ride out the symptoms.”

The fluttering cramps make me ill.

It’s not pain, but the memory of pain that has me shaking.

Can’t do it again.

Nurses wheel me to an omega comfort suite.
