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I know which alphas I can take by surprise. The ones who’ll underestimate me, or the ones who haven’t trained or scrapped the way I had to just to survive.

Scorpio could end me in one hit.

I would run.

But Atlas takes a step.

My stomach flips. “What are the rules?”

“No hits to the face or package. Fight until submission. Everything else is fair game.” Orion grips my hand. “What the hell is he thinking?”

The bell goes off like a gunshot.

Size-wise, Atlas and his father are equally matched.

Both scary fucking huge and faster than my heart can handle. They circle, wary.

Atlas hits first. Straight punch.

Scorpio ducks, then throws an uppercut. Then Atlas kicks, Scorpio twists, and my eyes glaze, following the crazy brutal back-and-forth attacks.

This isn’t a cute family spar.

Atlas and Scorpio want blood, guts, and retribution.

When Atlas lands a jab in his dad’s ribs, a wet grunt echoes in the pin-drop silence.

No cheers.

It’s not every day your merc boss fights his son and heir.

They go blow for blow for blow.

Hit for hit for hit.

I’m shaking, Orion clinging to my hand, and I hear Rhett in my ear, but his words are mist.

All I can see is the ring.

“This is for you,” Orion whispers.

“For us.”

But when Scorpio lands a brutal face punch, ringing Atlas’s head, I wish he fucking hadn’t.

Max blows his whistle, stepping between. “DQ! Not the face. Shit, Scorp. How’s he gonna get the girl if you ruin his moneymaker?”

“Ah, shit.” Scorpio wipes sweat off his dripping forehead, then grabs Atlas’s shoulder, peering his eyes with the first vague hint of fatherly concern I’ve ever seen him show. “Face punch was a mistake. You had me on the ropes, kid.”

Atlas grins a bloody, split-lipped smile. “You owe them an apology.”

“We’ll talk. Later.” Looking ten years older, and just as battered as his son, Scorpio reclaims the mic. “Next challenger.”

Atlas fist-bumps Hunter, who struts into the octagon pointing straight at his father. “I challenge Max Wyvern.”

“Grounds?” Scorpio asks, fully resigned to this shitshow, where Finn and Jett hover like reapers waiting for their turn to uproot the Wyvern apple tree.

“For screwing with my mate. And because she wants to watch my ass get kicked.”
