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Pace some more.

Chug more caffeinated poison and keep pacing.

Whenever they leave me for days or weeks, then skulk back bloody and apologetic, I always smile.

Comfort them.

Anything to earn their touch.

Knowing they’re on the way back, my insides quake, instinctively eager to see, feel, and scent my mates.

Omega instincts?

Crazy powerful.

Shitty at decision-making.

Every time I give myself a what-the-fuck pep talk and plan an epic speech, they walk in and my inner psycho overwrites my logic.

I know the same shit’ll happen again.

They’ll pout in, hearts juiced under Lilah’s pointe shoes, and I’ll want to hug it out.

Let them play down their mistakes.

Not this time.

Not this fucking time.

It’s a while before I hear footsteps in the hall. There’s a low rumble of conversation as they greet the guards. Then the front door opens, letting in a sexy, sultry caramel sharper than a kick in the groin.

Their alpha scents tangle with Lilah’s sugar.

Leathery musk, smoky honey, bubbly orange, and sweet cedar.

The springs rattle inside me like a jack-in-the-box about to punch through my chest.

Go to them go-to-them gotothem!

I focus on the caramel, crème brûlée sweetness instead of their dominance, and my feet stick, rooted to the carpet.

“Orion.” Atlas drops his gear bag. He’s dirt-streaked with sagging eyes that say he hasn’t slept.

Join the fucking club.

“Yo.” I stand my ground, giving my mate a two-fingered salute as the rest of the pack schlumps in behind him.

Dirty, thin, and raggedy, they look like they lost a trench war.

But, the way they’re going, they’re gonna lose a lot more.

Jett moves like a half-animated corpse, and Finn gives off grim reaper vibes—not just dead, but ready to drag the rest of us to hell.

Hunter hauls them in like luggage.

His thick lashes and brown eyes are usually soft and smiling. Now he’s shooting flames, nostrils flared and knuckles white.

Haven’t seen that since—
