Page 186 of Redfang Royal

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I scrabble to correct the misunderstanding. But instead of screaming FAKE MATE and punting Dutch off the private dock, the only words I can vomit are, “It’s actually Marisol.”

“Marisol,” Dutch echoes, starstruck.

I’d lose myself in his fuzzy smile, but Lisa pounces. Head barely reaching my chin, she crushes me in a Dutch-strong hug. “I’m so glad he found you. We were so worried when you disappeared.”

She smells like crusty sourdough and brown butter.

I don’t like strange betas.

I hate strangers touching me, let alone hugging.

But Lisa doesn’t trigger my ick, even when she rubs my back.

“You heard about me?” I ask, fighting shakes.

“We thought he made you up.” Dany streaks past her brother, a fireball of red hair, freckles, and neon K-pop gear. Sweet as jasmine tea, she rockets into the hug, blushing. “I finally have a sister.”

Light-headed from lack of oxygen, I reel.

Mate. Daughter-in-law. Sister.

Just pile on those titles I can’t have.

Through a nervous laugh, I try to signal Dutch.


Grinning and zero help, he squeezes us together, taking the group hug aerial. “All my favorite girls.”

“Women.” Dany wiggles. “Let go. Your pheromones stink.”

“My favorite women,” Dutch agrees, setting us down. “Solly doesn’t think I stink.”

Lucky I haven’t been breathing.

“I’m so glad you’re safe.” Lisa gently clasps my hand, but her tone hardens when she squints at her son. “Forgive us for intruding on your honeymoon. You weren’t supposed to know we’re here.”

“Doesn’t hurt to meet sooner.” Dutch rubs his neck.

Dany makes a disgusted noise. “Even I know you’re not supposed to bring strange betas around your mate before a heat.”

“You’re not strange. You’re my sister.” Dutch palms her whole head to rumple her hair. “And you’re seventeen. You better not know anything about heats.”

She ducks him, ready to throw elbows.

Before they can get into it, Lisa squeezes my hand. “We’ll be nearby. Send one of the boys if you need anything. Otherwise, we won’t invade.”

Dany nods, but her eye-sparkle has a different flavor than her family’s.

She has questions.

And I’ve seen her bookshelf—they’re probably detailed.

I don’t have answers for her or anyone else.

I tug free of Lisa. “Thank you. We’ll be fine.”

She and Dany hurry out, either being polite, or sensing the storm rumbling my belly. “We agreed to act as mates. Not lie to your mom.”
