Page 294 of Redfang Royal

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I rub my suddenly sweating forehead.

“We’ll talk later.” Lilah smirks. “If you’re not back on bedrest after your heat.”

Holy shit.

I can have a normal heat.

Lilah slips out, leaving me with the woman in the white coat. “I’m Doctor Carter. How are you feeling?”

“Good.” My legs bounce. The exhaustion I was feeling earlier evaporated when my skin started pre-heating. “Maybe better than I’ve felt in years.”

“Wonderful. We’ll keep this short.” The woman smiles. “When was your last heat?”

“My only heat. Five-ish years ago? I guess I had a ghost bond until yesterday.”

Doctor Carter stiffens. “That’s…”

“Extremely rare?” I’m out of the few shits I ever had to give. “Now that it’s gone, will there be any side effects?”

“I’m so sorry you had to experience that.” She scribbles a note on my clipboard. “With the residual bond and sedatives leaving your system, your numbers indicate that you’re already rebounding. We’ll need to discuss long-term therapies, but if you’re pleased to accept the pack tearing up the carpets in my waiting room, your next heat is imminent. We’ll need to bundle you into an emergency nest as soon as possible.”

While my insides swirl, my pulse and temperature rise.

My monitors blare.

Doctor Carter kills the volume with a smile. “Do you plan to mate with the Meadows pack?”

“Can I?” My voice cracks.

“Of course. And medically, I’d recommend sealing the bond with your packleader as soon as possible. This heat may be shorter due to accumulated exhaustion. But if it’s extended due to the length of time your cycle was suppressed…” She clears her throat. “It may be quite, ah, strenuous. You’ll have a more pleasant experience with a mating bond to guide your pack on what your body can handle.”




Clouds part, angels sing, and a beam of golden light pierces through a mini-magnifying glass, lighting my body in holy fire.

I squeeze my thighs against a flash of heat. “Where are they?”

“Your pack? They’re waiting just down the hall. First, let me call the nurse to take your—oh! Wait. Please don’t—”

No time for nurses.

I yank my tubes and swing my feet off the bed.

There’s no pain.

Flashing raw throat, trailing blood and the hem of my oversized gown, I don’t give a shit how I look or what anyone thinks about it.

It’s allllll bullshit.

The only thing that’s real is the pull.

I follow the call. Down the hall. To the left. To the waiting room. Before I clear the door, they sense the shifting gravity.

There are other alphas, pumping scratchy pheromones. Maybe Wyverns. Lilah. But people, floors, and furniture don’t exist anymore.
