Page 8 of Room Service

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I don’t deserve to be looked at the way this woman is gazing up at me. Her big doe eyes are warm, filled with love, joy. She’s fucking burning for me. As bright as a star a million light-years away that’s the sun to another galaxy. Fuck. I fucking broke her heart, hurt her physically. Even if I didn’t realize it at the time. And definitely hurt her with my words and actions. And for what? Because I thought she was jail-bait? A trap? Sent to lure me with her magical pussy. I was such a stupid moron.

I cup the side of her face in my large palm, reveling in the softness of her skin. And when she leans into my touch, my heart swells and my dick jumps in my slacks. Fuck. My girl. So trusting. SO fucking responsive. From the first second we met.

I lean and press my lips to hers, aiming for a soft, prolonged peck. But things quickly escalate… Just like she did all those year ago, Zina grabs me by the neck and pulls me down, mashing our lips together and pushing her delicious tongue inside my mouth. The taste of her spreads all over my taste buds, lighting up each and every nerve inside my body, saturating my brain with pleasure. My hands slides to her incurved waist and squeeze the soft flesh. She feels so fucking good. I want, no, I need to be inside my girl.

I take a step back, breathing heavily. “Sweetheart, we need to talk.” I caress her soft hair.

She nods. “Talk. Right.” Her big brown eyes are dazed, her breathing ragged. And she’s so goddamn beautiful, my heart squeezes inside my chest.

I shake my head, smiling, and wrap my hand around hers. “Come.”

Guiding her through the lobby, we make our way to a set of elevators in a discreet hallway, far from the main ones. I pull a keycard from my suit jacket to activate the call button, and when we climb inside the steel cabin, I pull Zina into my arms again, burying my face into the crook of her neck. I take a deep inhale, eyes closed. Fuck. she smell the same. Her perfume is different. Not the floral scent of her younger self, but a sophisticated, intriguing aroma. But that undertone of feminine musk that goes straight to my balls, making them heavy with need, is all Zina. I groan, pressing my hard-on into her plump body.

“God, you feels the exact same.”

She lets out a small, shaky laugh, squeezing my back muscles. “You, too.”

I lifts my face and bring my mouth to hers, taking her full lips in a long, dizzying kiss. “You also taste the same… so fucking good.”

She grins against my lips, saying into my mouth,” ditto.”

I chuckle and pull her tightly into another bear-hug.

The elevator dings and its doors open onto the penthouse suite. White marble floors, heavy wooden furniture, cream sectional. Beautiful paintings bring splashes of colors on the wall. Art pieces thrown around. This is my permanent penthouse in the hotel. I walk Zina to the couch and pull her onto my lap, my arms loosely wrapped around her body. Her full ass rests on me, making me very aware that this conversation needs to happen pronto. The side of one big tit pressed against my chest. Her hair tickling my face. Scent all over my nose. The taste of her still lingering on my lips. Fuck.

Zina cups my jaw, staring deep into my eyes and leans in to press a soft kiss to my mouth. “It’s okay, baby. We have all the time in the world. I’m not eighteen anymore. And I know who you are. I’m not letting you run this time.”

I blink, taken aback. “You… know who I am.”

She nods, her lovely face set in nothing but calm and confidence, and maybe a little teasing. “I asked about you that night”


“The stuff you said, that you were running an errand, was pretty telling, though.”

“Yeah. I guess it was.”

“I never-”

“I know,” I interrupt Zina. “I was young, dumb, paranoid… and maybe a bit scared of what I felt for you that night.”


“Yeah. A lot of people have it out for my family, and I always need to be careful. But deep down I knew you were not a mole or something. I guess I took the first excuse to run away from us.”

I watch her delicate throat work as she swallows hard. “Why? What was so bad about meeting me?”

I let out a disheartened laugh, before framing Zina’s face with my big hands, and giving her everything with my eyes. Opening my heart and soul to her. “Everything about you, about us, was fucking perfect. I acted like a scared little boy who didn’t think he deserved that much beauty, and fucked things up before it got snatched away from him.”

She nods, a single tear sliding down a smooth cheek. “You hurt me.”

“I know. and I’m so sorry, sweetheart. So fucking sorry.”

I pull her tightly against my chest, covering her face with kisses. “I never thought you’d forgive me. That’s why I stayed away. The way I treated you. The stuff I said. Fuck, I wanted to rip my own tongue out,” I end with a growl of frustration.

Zina pulls away a little, still in the circle of my arms. She wipes her face and gives me a hard stare I know is the result of a decade and a half of life experience. “I fucking fell for you the moment our eyes met, Mateo Romano. I didn’t give a shit if you were involved in illegal stuff. All I wanted was a chance to get to know you. Open my life for you. Carve a space for you in mine. Build our future together.”
