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“Fuck, Alex, you’re gonna make me… You’re gonna make me…”

I pulled away. “No, I’m not,” I told her. “Not yet.”

I pulled my mouth away and kneaded her buttocks until she was breathing hard.

“Alex, please… You’re driving me fucking crazy. Please, eat my pussy again.”

Her words caught at me and my cock throbbed hard. I fell onto her cunt again and lost myself in kissing and licking her, and pushing my tongue deep into her.

Then, neither of us could wait any longer. I pulled away again, knelt up behind her, took her hips in my hands and pushed my cock deep into her. She cried out with pleasure, knelt up too and turned to kiss me.

I’d planned to take it slow once I’d entered her, but I lost all control then, and so did she. She grabbed the headboard and pushed back hard against me as I pounded in and out of her, gripping her hips with one hand, rubbing her clit with the other. We moved together, breathed together, the intensity building up and up and up. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it any higher, she gripped my cock hard with her internal muscles, crying out my name, and that sent me over the edge. We came together, deep and hard and long. Then we collapsed onto the mattress, sweaty and gasping for breath. And then we looked at one another and giggled like two teenagers.



After the incredible sex, I tucked myself in under Alex’s arm and we drifted for a while and then both fell asleep. I woke at three in the morning, and I’d have loved to have stayed there, of course, tangled up in the sheets, with his body warm and solid beside me. But I wanted to be with Maddy. I needed to be closer to her, even though the baby monitor was on the bedside table. I lay there for a while just listening to her rhythmic breathing and basking in my love for her.

A little while later I gave Alex a gentle kiss on the cheek and slipped out of the bed. I couldn’t find my dress in the dark and there was no hope of working out where my bra had gotten to. But feeling around, I found his shirt was on the big vintage armchair. Hoping he wouldn’t mind, I slipped it over my bare breasts and padded down the hall.

I stopped in the kitchen to grab a cup of herbal tea on the way, along with a huge packet of cookies I found in a cupboard. I was hungry again despite the delicious meal we’d enjoyed.

I smiled to myself – hmm, I wonder why… I was flooded with desire again, remembering the mind-blowing sex.

I thought about having a quick shower when I got back to my room, but I didn’t want to risk waking Maddy, and I also didn’t want to wash off the smell of Alex. I climbed into the cozy bed, and, by the light of my phone torch, I drank my tea and ate half the packet of cookies, with all the grace and restraint of the Cookie Monster himself. Then I snuggled down, expecting to be up again with Maddy any minute, and fell fast asleep.

* * *

“By some miracle, Mads didn’t wake up in the night and I got to sleep in until eight o’clock,” I told Clare. “What did you do to her? Some kind of baby-whispering black magic? And whatever it was, can you do it again?”

Clare laughed and sipped her coffee. “I didn’t do anything special. Maybe she just decided to give mommy a break after her late night.” Clare smiled. “What time did you get back into your own bed last night, madam?”

I gasped, pretending to be offended. “How dare you!” I cried. “Just what are you implying?”

We were in a cozy little arts café downtown, Healy’s. They had new paintings on display every month, live music sometimes, and the best brownies this side of the Buffalo River. Of course, being my best friend, Clare had known immediately the night before that something was going on between me and Alex, and now she’d summoned me to our favorite café to get all the juicy details.

“I’m implying that your fake date last night was a lot more date and a lot less fake that you made out it would be,” she said gleefully. “And I’m implying that it ended with a wrestling match in Alex Harper’s bed. And I’m implying that you had the time of your life, looking at you. You’re positively glowing.”

With that, looking pleased with herself, she turned to Maddy and spun the little animals at the front of her stroller around and around. Maddy grinned, grabbed at them and kicked her legs happily.

“Mommy’s a dirty girl. Yes, she is. Yes, she is!”

“Mommy is a very hard-working lady who needed a night out and to feel like an adult and a woman again,” I said. I bit into my brownie and melted into pleasure. “Oh, my God, how do they make these things so delicious?”

Clare took a big bite of hers too and chewed, making me laugh with her full-on orgasmic faces. “Oh, my God, heaven,” she pronounced. “But forget the brownies. How was last night? Was that heaven too? Tell me everything.”

I glanced around the packed café and leaned in closer to her. “I can’t - really,” I said. “It turns out Alex is as wild as I am and he’s got a love of naughty talking just like me. None of it is repeatable here, in public, and especially not in front of Maddy…”

Clare giggled. “Not unless we want her first word to be c…”

I slapped my hand over her mouth. “Clare!” We both collapsed into laughter, earning ourselves a disapproving look from the old couple at the next table. For once, I didn’t care. I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time.

Clare sighed dramatically then and threw herself back in her velvet chair. “I want to glow like a goddess,” she said. “Ralph hasn’t made me feel like you look in ages. He hasn’t even tried. I think he’s lost interest.”

I grimaced. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I really thought it would work out between you guys, you know – that it would be forever.”

Hurt and pain flitted across Clare’s face then. “I thought so too, you know I did. For the first couple of years, I was madly in love with him, and I know he was with me too. I wanted to marry him, have kids with him, the whole thing…”
