Page 25 of Lock

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Laughing, she rolled her eyes. “Does that mean you approve of the movie?”

He shrugged. “I’m not picky.” He didn’t give two shits what they watched. Whatever it was, he’d spend the entire movie trying not to lean over and sniff her. What was that incredible scent? It was more damn enticing than any drug he’d taken.

“All right.”

She pointed the remote at the television, but before she could hit the play button, he said, “Hold up.”

“Yeah?” She turned those gorgeous eyes his way.

“How are you holding up with all this shit?”

“Oh, um, I’m okay.” She blinked as though surprised by the question.

“Can’t imagine you planned on hanging with a bunch of bikers this week.” As he spoke, he turned her way only to find her body angled toward him.

“Uh, no… can’t say that was part of my original plan.” Her laugh wasn’t pleasant, more uncomfortable and nervous. “I don’t know. I guess I’m a little off. I couldn’t concentrate worth a damn at work today. I kept dropping stuff and messing up everything. I keep wondering how I could have spent so long with a man without picking up on clues.” She frowned. “There had to be clues. Right? Something I missed to let me know he was willing to throw me to the wolves?”

“Don’t you mean ‘throw you to the bikers?’”

She huffed a half laugh. “Right.”

“People hide their shit really well when they want to.” He sure knew better than most.

Their gazes met, and he lost anything he planned to say. God, he sucked at this kind of shit. Give him a pussy and a set of tits, and he’d rock it, but an emotional conversation? A shudder rippled through him. He sucked. “Besides…” he said, “… you can always blame it on the sex. Good sex warps your mind.” Humor took much less mental energy and felt safer. Easier.

Brenna snorted. “If only. Wish that had been the problem.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Old Ollie sucked in the sack?”

Her cheeks turned a light pink, and she averted her gaze. “I wouldn’t say he sucked. It just wasn’t… it wasn’t what I wanted.” She chuckled and covered her face with her hands. “Oh my God. I can’t believe I said that. Ignore me. It was fine.”

Fine. Christ. His skin prickled with hot need only a man who’d gone too long without fucking understood. “And what is it you want?” he rasped through a thick throat.

She turned her head and met his gaze again. Fire replaced the discomfort in her eyes. “Crazy,” she whispered. “I want it to be absolutely, off-the-wall crazy intense. I want it to make me stupid and make me think of nothing else. I want it to be all-consuming, no matter where I am or who I’m with.” Then she blew out a breath. “I want something that I’m not sure exists.”

For fuck’s sake.

His body nearly burst into flames at her honest words. His dick was so hard it ached like hell. That existed all right, and he could fucking give it to her, but goddamn, would it fuck up her life.

“Ignore me,” Brenna said with a half-laugh. “I’ve clearly lost my marbles. Let’s just watch the movie.” She settled back against the couch and hit the play button without another word.

Lock forced himself to stare at the television, but he couldn’t ignore how the air thickened between them or how her body felt magnetic, drawing him in.

I want it to be all-consuming, no matter where I am or who I’m with.

The movie began, but it didn’t register. Instead, Lock watched a different film in his mind—one in which Brenna was the star, where she lost control, shed her inhibitions, and found that wild passion she spoke of. Lucky for him, he had the male lead in this little fantasy.

He couldn’t act on the desire. Not with how many times he’d already fucked his club over. Curly was counting on him to keep Brenna safe, and that included from him and his greedy dick. He nearly groaned aloud. How the hell was he supposed to make it through living with her until they solved this problem with her ex?

He had no idea how long the film was playing when he heard Brenna curse and felt her stiffen beside him. The harsh word pulled him back to reality, where he found a very spicy scene playing out across the screen—one that did nothing to calm his raging lust.

Brenna seemed to be suffering a similar fate. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” she muttered as she drew her legs up and buried her face against her knees.

Lock burst out laughing. “Problem?” he asked as she groaned.

“I did not pick this on purpose. I promise I had no idea what this movie was about. The description just sounded good.”

“Suuure, I believe you.”
