Page 31 of Lock

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LOCK’S BLOOD RAN hot with the urge to wrap his hand around Oliver’s neck and squeeze until the man could no longer exist in the same world as Brenna. What the hell had she seen in that motherfucker in the first place? He’d shoved down his rage in favor of making sure she could hold her shit together.

But now he felt heated for a different and much harder-to-ignore reason. The woman’s smokin’ body was pressed flush against him like a magnet. Her full tits pressed against his chest, making him barely manage to swallow his groan. God, how he wanted to tear that tank top over her head and bury his face in her chest. To kiss, lick, and suck until she writhed and grew wet for him. He hadn’t fucked anyone since before rehab, and he barely remembered the women he’d had while he was high. Sex was a drug in itself, one he was permitted to indulge in. Brenna made him want to get high off her again and again.

But first, they had to get rid of an asshole.

“Let’s do this shit,” he said, releasing his hold on her, even though he’d much prefer to run his hands over every inch of her.

“Yeah.” Brenna exhaled as he guided her to sit at the bar.

“Need a drink?”

She wrinkled her nose. “It’s barely after noon.”

He shrugged. “Extenuating circumstances.”

“I’m good. Besides, you don’t need to sit here and watch me drink.”

Shit. Gorgeous, intelligent, strong, and sweet too.

“All right.” She rolled her shoulders and then blew out a breath. “Here we go.”

Lock watched as her fingers flew over the phone screen. Her lower lip was tucked between her teeth, and a fucking adorable furrow formed between her eyes. The only way to keep from reaching out and smoothing the wrinkle was to sit on his hands, which he ended up doing.

“What do you think?” she asked a few minutes later as she handed over the phone.

Brenna: They’re watching me. I rarely get access to my phone. Do your own dirty work. I hope you choke on the goddamn money.

He burst into laughter as he read the final line. “Damn, babe, you’re vicious. Remind me never to hand you over as collateral for a loan repayment.”

A half laugh, half snort escaped her. Her eyes widened, and she slapped a hand over her mouth, but it was useless. Laughter bubbled out, and within seconds, they were both hysterical. “Shit, I needed that,” she said as she got control. “Thank you.”

He grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth. The way her eyes flared as he kissed the back of her hands had his blood heating again. “It’s perfect. Send it.”

“Yeah.” Their gazes locked, and the same fire burning in him crackled between them. “Can I have my hand?”

“Nah.” He laced their fingers together. “I think I’ll keep it for a while,” he said with a wink.

Brenna sucked in a breath and then reached for the phone with her left hand. It was awkward, but she fired off the text and then set it on the bar between them.

The kitchen door flew open not thirty seconds later, and Spec burst into the room. “Jackpot!” he called, holding up his phone. “Don’t know what you said, darlin’, but the old boy is fired up. Look at this little bitch thinking he has some power here.”

Spec handed over his phone, which Lock grabbed before Brenna could.

Oliver: Warehouse. Two hours. My woman better not be hurt.

A low rumble left Lock’s throat. His woman? Fuck that. The piece of shit lost the right to call Brenna his anything when he treated her like a piece of property. Hell, even before that, when she dumped his ass at the curb.

“Whoa… down, boy.”

Lock glanced up to see Jinx standing beside Spec with a sly grin. He waved his hand between Lock and Brenna. “Something you wanna tell us, killer? You moving in on Ollie’s girl?”

“Fuck y—”

“I am not Ollie’s girl,” Brenna snapped before Lock could finish telling Jinx to get fucked. “I’m not his anything.”

“Ooo, babe, she told you. I like her already. Hi, I’m Harper.” The pretty brunette sidled up next to her giant of a man, who slung a thick arm around her shoulders and yanked her close. “I apologize for this brute,” she said, patting Jinx’s stomach. “I’m pretty sure wolves raised him.”
