Page 43 of Lock

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“Mm,” she said with a sloppy grin. “You have no idea.”

With a grunt, he withdrew his fingers from her body, earning a sexy pout for his efforts.

“I like them there,” she whispered. “Feels good.”

His cock jumped.

Damn her.

He lifted his dripping fingers to her mouth and smeared her wetness over her lips before capturing her jaw between his fingers. “You’re going to be the fucking death of me,” he whispered before he slammed his lips to hers, gathering up every ounce of her flavor with a sloppy kiss. He even licked across her jaw where his fingers had been, then cleaned his hand as she stared with a shocked expression.

A sharp cry drew their attention to Caleb’s door.

“Oh no, we woke him,” Brenna said.

He kissed her again. “I’ll settle him. It’s still early so he’ll probably go back to sleep for a bit. Don’t fucking go anywhere.”

She nodded, so he kissed her one more time. Then again. And a final time. They could pick up where they left off as soon as he got Caleb sleeping again. There wasn’t anything he wanted more than to slide his cock into the tight pussy his fingers had just become acquainted with.

But when he returned to the hall a few moments later, Brenna was nowhere to be found. Her room was empty, her suitcase gone, and her car missing from the driveway.

If not for the scent of sex lingering in the hallway, he’d have worried he’d dreamed up the hottest encounter of his life. But it had happened, and she’d left. All he had now was the hard-on from hell he’d have to take care of himself.

Lock sighed. This was probably for the best.

Brenna wasn’t meant for his world.


“GOOD AFTERNOON, MARLENE, it’s Brenna. I just wanted to confirm tomorrow’s delivery of the Contemporary Farmhouse armoire.”

She paused, drumming her fingers on her desk while she tapped her toe. The usual two cups of coffee she pounded before feeling human weren’t necessary that morning despite a horrendous night’s sleep. Anxious energy had her buzzing more than if she’d drunk an entire pot of the liquid gold.

“Yes, the address is 4722 Crescent Avenue in Lithia.” Nodding along, she jotted down the delivery window Marlene rattled off. “Between ten a.m. and two p.m. Excellent. The homeowner will be there to meet the delivery truck. Thanks, Marlene. You’re the best. Mm-hmm, you too,” she finished, wishing the woman a great day as well.

“A great day,” she muttered. “Not likely.” It’s hard to have a great day when she couldn’t stop obsessing over the life-changing orgasm Lock gave her hours ago and how she fled the scene of the crime like a dirty criminal before returning the favor.

She loved a good orgasm. Who didn’t? But, holy hell, she honestly didn’t know it could be that good. She’d always written people off when they bragged about having a full-body, mind-melting orgasm that left them feeling like a puddle of goo and craving more. One that made her vision go white and her ears buzz.

But it had happened to her in the early hours of the morning.

With Lock. An outlaw biker. In the middle of his hallway. After she’d punched her ex and he’d done God knew what to Oliver.

Oh, and while his baby slept in the nearby room.

“Argh,” she grumbled as she thunked her head against the desk several times. “Work. Do more work. Must distract myself.”

She grabbed her list and crossed Call Marlene off with a flourish. “Next is… oh shit.” Her heart sank. “Send Liv an estimate.”

Great. Just when she’d been trying her hardest to avoid the thought of anything or anyone who’d remind her of Lock.

“Might as well get it over with.” A few clicks of her keyboard later, she had the rough estimate for the women’s shelter pulled up on her computer. After a final scan, she fired it off in an email to Liv. “Don’t be a chickenshit,” she said, staring at her phone.

The thing rang, making her jolt so hard she bumbled the phone.

“Jesus,” she shouted, as she managed to keep the phone from falling. She pressed her hand to her runaway heart. Liv’s name flashed on the screen. “Seriously? Could she freakin’ hear me? Hey, Liv,” she said in as chipper a voice as she could manage after hitting the speaker button. “I was just about to call you.”

“Girl, we must be connected. I’m sure you’re calling because you have business to discuss, but first, how are you after this morning?”
