Page 71 of Lock

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“So, do it,” she said.

His brow wrinkled.

“Lose control. With me.” She climbed off his lap to stand before him, arms spread wide. “I’m right here, Lock. Take me. Let it all out. Let yourself go.” As she spoke, she whipped her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Since her original plan was a hot date, she’d come prepared with a new bra and panty set.

Lock’s eyes flared at the sight of her in a sinful, bright red bra that barely contained her.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered. “I can’t trust myself.”

It was the second time he’d said that tonight, and the words broke her heart.

“It’s okay. I trust you enough for both of us.”

“Brenna…” Though he claimed uncertainty, his eyes heated to two pools of want. He needed this.

And she couldn’t wait to give it to him.

“Use me, Lock.”



Nothing could have cut through the blanket of hopelessness suffocating him better than those three words. From the moment he’d read Oliver’s letter, he’d felt nothing but terror and desperation. He spent the afternoon drowning, and Brenna threw him a life preserver.

Use me, Lock.

There she stood, offering him her body, and gifting him the most trust a woman could, all while prepared to go to battle for him and his son in the morning. This was what he wanted. Someone who could read him and give herself to him. Tonight, he would take, but he’d make sure she was handsomely rewarded for her efforts. She would love every second and beg for more.

His cock hardened so fast he grew lightheaded.

What made her offer infinitely hotter was how Brenna wanted it as much as he did.

She stood before him, chest heaving and nipples pebbled beneath the thin lace of her sexy-as-fuck bra. But those eyes, those goddamn eyes told him all he needed to know. They blazed with heat and need for him.

He couldn’t do anything to fix his problems tonight. His head was too fucked to think straight. Even the club’s attorney told him to take the night to process and breathe. Caleb was safe and sound with Curly and Brooke. He was free of immediate responsibilities until morning.

And there Brenna stood.

He rose, wincing as his jeans mashed his needy cock, then closed the distance to Brenna. She stood with her ass propped against his kitchen table.

Lock rested a hand against her warm, soft stomach, then slowly trailed his fingers upward between her tits to her throat. He wrapped his hand around her slender neck, not squeezing, but they both knew how easy it’d be to inflict pain.

He never would.

Her eyes flared with lust. Her lips parted as she exhaled. Sweet, warm air wafted over his face. Beneath his thumb, her pulse jumped and fluttered.

They shared breaths so close their lips could touch, but he held back, building the anticipation.

“Go into my room. Lay on the bed, naked. Feet on the floor. Legs spread.”

Brenna swallowed. Her throat rippled against his fingers. He couldn’t resist gripping a little harder to feel her shudder.

A naughty grin curled her lips. The look was so damn seductive his dick fucking leaked. There would be a wet spot on his damn boxers.

“Don’t you wanna take me right here?”

“Yes.” He fought the urge to do just that. “I do. I want to bend you over this table and fuck you until you’re screaming so loud the neighbors come running. But, trust me, with the way I need you right now, you’re not going to want a hard plank of wood beneath you.”
