Page 83 of Lock

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Shaking his head, Lock raised both middle fingers at the lug.

Jinx’s laughter rang out as he disappeared into Curly’s office.

Though he’d never admit it to the chronic prankster, he’d given Lock the reality check he needed to pull his head out of his ass. No matter how bad the cravings got, no matter how much he’d rather anesthetize his mind with drugs than suffer, he wouldn’t cave. He’d hold strong for his woman.

When they found Brenna, he would be ready and present to give her whatever she needed. Whether that be as simple as a hug or a shoulder to cry on, as satisfying as murdering whoever fucked with her, or as heartbreaking as holding her as she processed a more profound trauma, he’d be the one there for her. Something he wouldn’t be able to do if he indulged in his mind-numbing agent of choice.

He wouldn’t let Brenna down, no matter how bad things got or what went on in his head and body.

He’d kill any man who tried to take her.

She was his, and he fucking loved her.


Her back, her legs, her face, her heart.

Sitting on a concrete floor for what had to be more than a dozen hours sucked. But Brenna would do it a million times over if it could be done without fearing what was to come.

“Tell me again,” she said to Kelsie.

They sat side by side, backs against the impossibly uncomfortable wall. A rock jutted out, gouging into the left side of her back where it’d been for the past few hours, but she hadn’t bothered to move. No position ended the discomfort, so she endured the misery. The pain kept her alert and thinking.

Kelsie sighed. “Why?”

“I want to be ready. I want to know exactly what to expect so I can be prepared. Maybe I’ll be able to use what you tell me to find a way out, or to get help, or, I don’t know, do something.”

“I don’t think there is anything to be done. They have their system down to a science. It’s hopeless.”

The sadness in Kelsie’s voice had alarm bells ringing in Brenna’s ears. “No,” she said, moving for the first time in hours. She crawled in front of Kelsie and gripped her shoulders. Now that they’d talked for most of the day, her youth was apparent and even more heartbreaking. “We’re not saying that word. We’re together, we’re alive, and we’re able to fight. The H word is not allowed, okay?”

“You’ll see,” Kelsie said with a defeated shrug that sent a dagger into Brenna’s heart.

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-two.” She snorted. “I’m not a young, stupid kid if that’s what you think. I’ve seen and done shit. I had to grow up young. Always thought I was tough, but this…”

Twenty-two. Jesus.

“Listen to me, Kelsie. Look at me.” The young woman’s gaze met Brenna’s. “I want you to do something for me, okay?”

She nodded.

“Don’t give up yet. I know you’ve been here longer and have been through unspeakable things.” She swallowed and tried to push the fear of those very things out of her mind. They’d take over if she let them in, and she’d be as dejected as Kelsie. At the very least, one of them needed to keep their spirits up somewhat. “But I need you to stay positive with me for a little bit, okay? I won’t lie to you. If I truly think it’s hopeless, I’ll tell you. But I’m not there yet, so please, give me some time, okay?”

As Kelsie stared at her, Brenna could see the doubt weighing on her and the tiny spark of hope. She wanted to cling to the idea of rescue or escape, but the fear of such a devastating disappointment had an unbreakable grip on her.

“Have you heard of the Hell’s Handlers?” She asked in a low whisper. If there was a camera or listening device somewhere in the room, she didn’t want to give anyone a heads-up of what lay in store. And she knew the Handlers were coming and would rain hell down on these bastards.

Kelsie gasped. “I have. Are they part of this?”

“No!” Brenna shook her head. “Not just no, but hell fucking no. They will burn this place to the ground when they discover what’s happening. Trust me when I say retribution will be epic.”

“But how…”

“I’m…” What was she? Dating? Seeing? Fucking? “… in love with one of them. He will tear the world apart until he finds me. And the entire club will back him. I believe that with my whole heart.”

“Holy shit,” Kelsie whispered on a breath. “They’re so badass.”
