Page 90 of Lock

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“What club?” Spec asked in a voice so deadly Lock shivered.


“Hmm, swanky. Let’s go, boys,” Spec announced, but he didn’t move away from Oliver.

Lock knew exactly where that club was. They could be there in ten minutes. He turned and ran toward the door.

Before he made it out of the house, he heard Spec’s voice once again.

“How many women did you get for them?”

“S-seven,” Oliver said, shame thick in his voice.


As his boots hit the driveway, a shot rang out. Seconds later, Spec appeared in the doorway, phone to his ear.

“Hey, prez, gonna need a clean-up on aisle three.”

Lock grinned. Good fucking riddance.


THE SCREECH OF the heavy door dragging along the concrete floor exploded through Brenna’s semiconscious state like a bomb going off. She jolted awake so hard her head cracked against the rock wall.

Her heart raced, and her breaths came in harsh pants. Beside her, Kelsie whimpered and began to shake so hard her teeth rattled. Sitting shoulder to shoulder to combat the cold and provide some physical comfort, they’d drifted into a fitful nap some time ago.

Bolt, the giant of a man who’d carried her down the stairs, filled the entire doorway, wearing black denim, a black T-shirt, and a bored expression. “Let’s go,” he barked.

Kelsie trembled hard, bouncing against the uneven wall behind them. Silent tears tracked down her cheeks as she stared at their guard with abject horror in her expression.

“Shh,” Brenna whispered. She gripped the younger woman’s hand between hers. “Try to breathe.”

“Get the fuck up.” As he shouted orders, he stared at Kelsie.

There was no way the other woman could stand and walk out the door. Whatever had happened the last two times they took her, it traumatized her to the point she couldn’t function. She clung to Brenna’s hand as she wept.

“Get her up.” He shifted his attention to Brenna.

When neither of them moved, he rolled his eyes.

“Don’t have time for this shit,” he muttered as he strode into the room. It’d be no problem for him to grab Kelsie and toss her over his shoulder as he’d done to Brenna.

Without giving it more than one second of thought because if she did, she’d have a heart attack, Brenna shouted. “Stop!” She climbed to her feet. “Leave her. I’ll go with you.”

“N-no… no.” Kelsie yanked on her arm, trying to get her to sit, but in her weakened state, she could barely maintain her grasp on Brenna’s hand.

She straightened to her full height and stared the asshole right in the eyes, even though inside, she was quaking as hard as Kelsie. “I’ll go. Leave her the fuck alone.”

“They didn’t ask for you, but what the fuck do I care. Start walking.”

“No… B-b-bren… don’t…” Kelsie tried to stand, but her legs gave out. She was forced to release Brenna’s hand to catch her fall.

Brenna turned and cupped her co-captive’s face between her hands. “It’s okay. I’ll be okay.”

Rivers of tears poured from Kelsie’s face as she shook her head.
